Thursday, December 24, 2009

Episode 14: The Necklace

It was Sunday morning. As usual, Molly and her family would go out at the deck near the beach. Her younger brother, Jamie would ride the tricycle. He was 6 years old and she was 9.

They were a happy family. That was before her parents got rich and putting their business over their family. At that time her hair was short, but not too short. It was nice as it fits her cute face. Jamie would cycle his small blue bike around the deck, abandoning his sister and parents. Meanwhile, Molly would always go to the end of the bridge and put her face in betweens the gates.

She would enjoy the sunrise and the smell of the sea. Her parents would first entertain her and stood beside her but then Jamie would always fell down the bike and their parents would rushed to him. She was left alone.

The breeze caught her cheeks. She remembered the necklace her late Grandma gave to her. She held on to it. She took it off and put it on her small palms. She was distracted by her brother's screaming out of pain. And so, she dropped her red necklace and she thought all was at lost.

Then came a little boy with dark brown hair out of nowhere and jumped of the deck. Splash! Molly was a bright girl so she knew the water was too deep and the boy could not have survived that cold deep dark water. She was nervous. She hoped he survived even if the necklace was lost.

A few minutes later, there were bubbles coming to the surface of the ocean. The dark brown haired boy came out of the water, holding her precious necklace. She yelled for help instantly. the parents of the boy came and pulled him out of the sea. They tried to help him stand up but he was balanced enough to stand on his own feet. Shivering, he held out her necklace and gave it to her.

Boy: This must be precious to you.

Molly: Yeah, thanks. But, why?

Before the boy could answer, his parents said it first.

Parents: It was dangerous of you to do that! You could have died Adam!

He chuckles. They were scared and mad but their son's safety is the important thing right now.

Adam: Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. It's just that I lost something to the sea too so it hurts me to see if she suffer from it too. Besides, I'm a good swimmer ayte? You said so yourself.

Molly's parents came as fast they could. They wondered what happened. Some people near the scene came too. It was a miracle that a 9 year old boy swam the sea just to save a girl's necklace.

Adam: Anyway, it's freezing out here. Could you buy treat me to a hot chocolate Mum?

Adam's parents were worried but somehow, they trusted him. He's not an ordinary child, he's a special one. Then Adam's sister finally showed up.

Jane: Adam! I saw you jumped the bridge! You could have been killed!

Quickly she hugged Adam. She was worried too. All of them were until Adam looked unharmed. People started to walk away. Adam's father gave him his jacket to warm him up.

Adam's Dad: Let's go son. We'll get you warmed up!

Molly stopped them.

Molly: Wait! Thank you. This necklace is precious to me. I owe you one.

She cracked open her necklace. It was made to be divided into two.

Molly: This is my way of saying thanks.

Adam took it with a pleasure.

Adam: I promise I'll look after it! Thanks...

Molly remembered what her Grandma told her about the necklace.

Grandma: Hold this necklace close to your heart. It's very special.

Molly: What is so special about it Grandma?

Grandma: Why it's the thing that kep your GrandDad and I together all the time. He gave it to me when we first met.

Molly: But what if someone special came into my life one day Grandma?

Grandma: I'll want you to give the half of it to him. It will bring both of you luck. Until it is separated and again reunited, it is just merely a necklace.

Molly: Why is it so Grandma?

Grandma: Because good things are meant to be shared. If you only keep it to yourself then it wouldn't be something special. It's very contrast from secrets.

So then she knows. Grandma would be happy that another half of the necklace is with that brave boy. Molly hope it will do her good.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Episode 13: The Apartment

Adam: You wanna see my apartment?

Molly: Sure thing. But, are you okay?

Adam: I think I can handle it.

Molly: Well, alright then.

Adam: First one to the car gets to drive!

They raced to the parking lot of Molly's house. The finishing line is Adam's Jaguar. Although Adam was fast but Molly fasten up her steps too. She caught up with him at the stairs. She bumped him that his body touched the wall. She smirks at him.

Molly: I'll arrive there first!

She left him upstairs but this will not he allows. He skipped a few stairs but he lost control. He was about to fall when Molly held out her hands to catch him. But he weighed more than her and both of them fell down the floor.

Adam: Fall again.

Molly: Yes.

They laughed out loud. But both knew the race wasn't over yet so when Adam tried to get up,Molly pulled his leg down. They both struggle trying to return to their pace. There were a lot of bumps, knocks and falls during the race but at the end,Molly came first. Claiming the prize promised by Adam. And so, Adam instructed her on where their destination was.

They stopped at a pavement of a not-so busy road. Molly got out of the car slowly as she as amazed by the scenery.

She looked up and all that was in front of her was a beautiful apartment, heading the sunset of the boulevard, looking down upon the blue sky.

Molly: This is it?

Adam: Yeah.

Molly: How could you afford so?

Adam: Let's go up and I'll tell.

He opened the gate with a Card-Key. And they stepped into the Lounge where a number of staffs were loitering around, seeking for Lost People. They were greeted by an old man in a red-uniform. The hall is exactly as a Hotel Lounge but it is not.

Mr. Oldman: Welcome sir. It has been a long time since you came back.

Adam: Well, I missed this place. Oh, and I also brought a friend along. This is erm, my girlfriend, Molly. Molly, this is Mr. Oldman, the keeper of my apartment.

Molly: Hello, it is nice to meet you.

Mr. Oldman: Nice to meet you too. Shall I take you to your apartment?

Adam: It's okay. I still remember this place around. Thank you anyway.

Mr. Oldman: Here is your key. Glad to have you back sir.

Adam: Thank you.


Molly: Is this an apartment or a 5 Star Hotel?

Adam: It's an apartment, witl a little bit of security. My uncle suggested this place to me. I just hope it's still in good shape.

He opened the door of his apartment. He thought it would be dusty and all but it's the exac opposite. The house was sparkling clean. Not even a bit of a thin dust left there. Meanwhile, Molly was amazed by his apartment.

Adam: Mr. Oldman must have been looking after this apartment while I was gone. What a nice man.

Molly: Wow. Did you decorate it all by yourself? Including the arrangement of the furniture?

Adam: Yeah, but I had a little help of course.

Molly was sight-seeing the apartment. It was not like what she imagined. A guy's house is supposed to be messy, plain and simple but he amazed her. It was rather stylish and yet elegant. He has good taste.

Adam: I used to play basketball. And sing. That's where I got my incomes.

Molly: Jane told me you have a great voice but I didn't know you made money out of it.

Adam: Yeah, I didn't know it was in me either until I sang.

Molly: So, what happened?

Adam: Well, things changed. People moved on, so did I.

They went through the photos of Adam on the frames put on the tables and cupboards. The glorious days he had back then. The room was empty of voices. They were still. Suddenly, he asked...

Adam: Wanna see something really awesome? Check this out.

He opened the window that were facing the sunset. It was fantastic. The sun was setting so they had the privilege of seeing it together. Adam leaned on the window and Molly stood besides him.

Molly: This must be the reason why you chose this place.

Adam: Yeah. It brought back memories of old times.

Molly got near him to hold him out. She has always been wanting to hold him so dearly, and this she didn't understand why. Slowly, she slipped her hands through his. A desire then awoken. The desire to be besides him all the time, to hold him so near and never let go.

She whispers...

Molly: I'll never let you go.

Adam was too busy with the view that he didn't hear her.


Molly: May I ask?

Adam: What?

Molly: I have been wondering.. Am I the first girl to actually came here?

Adam: Well,Emma has been here before.

Molly looked quite dissapointed.

Adam: But she haven't came in here yet.

Molly looked at Adam with an exciting eyes.

Adam: Yeah, she always waited downstairs at the Lounge. So, practically...

Molly: I'm the first girl to be here?

Adam: Not exactly.. I mean, both my mum and Jane have been here before.

Molly felt relieved.

Molly: So, there must be a court down nearby am I right?

Adam: How did you know?

Molly: Obviously, you tried to let it go, claiming you're nowhere near it but I saw it through on that night.

Adam: That night? You meant when we actually first met?

Molly: First met? NO. I believe that was our fifth time of encountering.

Adam: The THIRD time? For real? We've met before?

They were preparing dinner at the time. Molly was quite sad when she found out Adam didn't remember they have met before.
