Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Episode 2: Rainy days no more

Sue is now his best friend. Though at first Susan seems very fond of him but after spending the time together, the feeling sank somewhere between their conversations. Yes, to Susan's and every other female customers who saw a glimpse at Adam would stop and realise they were impressed by him. He was sweet, cute and friendly. Soon enough, he became popular at the cafe. All the staffs knew him, some girls from Up Hills All Girls High School even hung out there just to accidentally bumped into him. Where is his mask? He doesn't need one in that place. Because both of his world do not clashes with each other. It's because he had carefully arrange his social life from a Nerd to The Guy. He will ensures those two world would never meet.

It has only been a week but the bond between Susan and Adam was getting better each and everyday. Susan, who is 16, working as a part time staff, consider Adam as his brother because he is one year older than her. Other girls would eye-tail her everytime she talks to him out of jealousy. Some girls are ridiculously funny as they tried everything to get Adam's attention. From accidentally brushed over his shoulder to wearing those mini skirts that does not look anything but ****. But to his usual behaviour, he does not know of these things. He didn't even think any of the girls there are interested in him. He once complimented the cafe for all the superbs drinks and meals and their fantastic services but little does he know that he is the one that cause the cafe to become a cool place to hang especially for girls. The manager of the cafe even always treat Adam for a drink and gave him special discounts just to keep him coming back there. Susan flashes all of this while watching Adam going through his homework. She chuckled as the girls are again trying to make Adam notice of them. Adam looked at her blankly.

Adam: What's wrong?

Susan: Haha. Nothing.

Adam: You have been staring me down and then laugh again before looking at me AGAIN. Tell me what's up.

Susan: Whoa! How tempered are you today.

Adam: I'm sorry but I can't seem to focus on my homework.

Susan: (She whispered) Yeah you can't when all the girls are staring at yah.

Adam: What was that?

Susan: Ouh,nothing. You were saying? (She smiled)

Adam: You know, I don't understand girls nowadays.

Susan: And...why should you?

Adam: Sue, you know what I meant. I mean, I don't know why girls always go for the bad guys. I mean yeah the jocks are good looking but they are jerks! And when they look at girls they have only one thing in mind and I bet you know what they are.

Susan: Sure thing I do. I mean, I can see them doing it even in front of their lockers and the teachers were WAY too busy to notice.

Adam: You're a girl right?

Susan: Erm...Let me check, oh yes! I do have female body parts if that what you mean by a GIRL.

Adam: Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to offend yah like that. SO, what makes girls go for the bad guys?

Susan: ONE SIMPLE THING: P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y. Bad guys are well known among girls and if they want to up lift their status quo they go for the bad guys.

Adam: Is that all matter to girls? POPULARITY?

Susan: Popularity is the key to invitation to awesome parties, good seats in class and influence. But not ALL of them are like that. .

Adam: Okay, I see.

Susan: Why these questions all of the sudden?

Adam: I don't know.. I can't believe those girls at school. They just let those jerks do whatever they want over them. Sometimes I pity them for not respecting themselves.

Susan: Ah,those girls.. Are we talking about 'your precious Molly' again?

Adam: Who?

Susan: Nothing! Look, if you don't like the view of it so do something about it. Or even at least say something about it,to them, to her.

Adam: What? Me? Interfering? No way! Gettin in their way is the last thing I would do!

Before he could finish his lines, his attention was caught on one thing. It was a her. She was standing there at the Magazine Corner, reading some magazines while waiting for her order. She was beautiful, inside out. That is the type of girl that could caught his attention. Not blonde chicks with mini skirts, God no! But his type is to more bright but yet kind student who is not high profile as she likes to keep it down. Being the usual him, he looked away and sighed in dissapointment. Susan didn't have to ask. She turned her back and saw the girl. She knew what was Adam's type. She smiles right away. "Good choice!" she said. She waited for a few moments to see if he's going to take his chances but as usual he didn't. The girl slowly took her latte. She was walking away when Susan stomped Adam's feet and signaling him to make a move. "What?!" he shouted. She again signals her eyes to the girl. At first he resisted but then he decided to ran after her. Only to find out that he was too late. The girl had vanished. Susan was utterly upset with him. That was the Adam she knows. He didn't want to make a move until the last minute. If this is the case then Adam would end up being lonely she thought. She had to do something. Adam came in the cafe with a regret look. Susan, being a good friend, didn't say anything and asked him to go home.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Episode 1: Rainy Days

- Heyya Readers! So, erm.. I just got this whole story on my mind for quite a while but erm so I wanna try my hands on love stories. I'll stay true to my personality and the way I always write as possible. Anyway, keep on reading and enjoy!-

Adam: It's raining today.

He looks up in the sky and saw little bags containing waters in it slowly coming down to the Earth, to him. He likes it when it is raining but he hates the thought of acid waters swimming in his school uniforms. So, he fastens his footsteps and finally ran his way home. He forgot to bring his umbrella so he's stuck with the unfortunate situation. Even if the rain kills his high-branded cloth of his school uniform, he still stopped by at Fast Coffee House because it would kill him more not to enjoy the rain. Plus, the rain was getting heavier by the moment so it gave him more reason to stop. So he went to the counter and ordered a Hot Chocolate, which was his favourite.

As warm as he was, he smiled at the Cashier and took the receipt. The Cashier smiled widely as it has been a long time since Adam visited their place but she mostly was happy to be smiling at this young lad. Yes Adam is a bright kid who owns a gorgeous smile that can charm any girls within a second, his shirt is always neatly ironed and so does his trousers. He is indeed a good looking young man with his small blue eyes and a fair skin, accompanied by his pink-red lips that has always been wet by his tongue. His hair is smoothly arranged using his special hair-gel that does not smell gross and his wooden perfume that could amaze any smeller. Oh, the Fast Coffee House's staffs always see this side of him because he usually abandons his 'mask' here. He didn't mind them because none of them go to the same school as he does. It's one of his secret hidings. The coffee house is far away from his school and his schoolmates don't go there. The place wasn't cool enough for them but it sure is comfortable enough for him. He then go and sits at his usual chair and looked outside the big window to see the beauty of the rain while waiting for his order.

Before he knew it, he was lost in his mind and didn't hear the staff calling for his order. He was so deep in his thoughts that he only comes to his senses when the Cashier brought his order herself to his table. "Oh,I'm really sorry. Sorry for bothering you," said Adam to Cashier. The Cashier replied," It's ok. There's nothing better to do around here anyway." Adam was cooling his drink when the Cashier said something like, "Hey, I'm not being nosy or anything but I always see you around here and it appears to me like you enjoy the rain very much aren't you?" He only replied, "Yeah as a matter of fact I do. And erm no, you're not being nosy at all. Oh, I'm being rude. Let me introduce myself. I'm Adam." The Cashier took his hand and shook it while saying, "Nice to officially meet you. I'm Susan by the way but you can just call me Sue." She smiled shyly at him but to her surprise, he smiles back. Then she grabs the chair and sits down with him. They then start talking and share many things together. And that is the start of a beautiful friendship.