Friday, January 29, 2010

Episode 16: Stupid enough?

Adam: WHAT?! Are you SERIOUS?!

Molly: Well.. yes.

Adam: Care to explain?

Molly: Erm.. Because it was already decided for us.

Adam: What do you mean by 'it was already decided for us'?

Molly: You don't know? Hasn't anyone told you?

Adam: Tell me what?

Molly: My grandfather, Sir Hoggary made a promise to marry his grandchild, me, at the age of 18.

Adam: So? What does that has got to do with all of this?

Molly: It appears to be that somehow our grandparents knew each other. They were best mates in school. And..

Adam: Hold on. So you actually believe in all that?

Molly: What? Believe that they used to be best friends?

Adam: Yeah. Things like that don't really happen in real life. Okay, two friends who were best friends made a deal to ensure their grandchildren marry each other. That's just awkwardly funny. No, Molly. I don't believe you.

Molly: How did you...?

Adam: Molly, I know you were lying.

Molly: Aww.. That's no fun! I was just starting to entertain myself.

Adam: HA. HA! Very funny..

Adam knew such thing won't happen to them. He knew Molly lied So, after revealing her lies, he grinned.

Molly: I might not be your fiance' but I can still do this!

Molly ran up tp Adam and climbed on his back. He almost tripped but he managed to balanced his body.

Adam: You wanna play rough eh?

Adam spinned and spinned until both of them gradually got dizzy and tired. He lost his balance and they both fell on the floor. Their faces were facing each other. Their eyes met.

Molly: You know. The idea of we're getting married is not bad at all. It'd be nice to marry a decent guy like you.

Adam: It'd be super cool to marry a wonderful lady like you.

They smiled and chuckled. They were joking but their joke made them to actually think about it. It was not bad at all. It would be amazing.

Molly: Adam, what would happen if I accidentally fall in love with you?

Adam: What? Is falling for me would be that bad?

Adam was being sarcastic.

Molly: No. Not at all.

They were silent.

Molly: Huh. But it'd be bad if you fall for me though.

Adam: Oh, come on. Why would you say so?

Molly: Adam, you need not be polite with me. Let's be frank here, like we always do. Face it, no guy ever liked me unless they want to get in bed with me.

Adam: Really? Are you sure? Well for me you're not that sexy at all.

Adam tried to comfort Molly.

Molly: Stop it.

Adam: Tell me, have you ever fallen in love before?

Molly: Once.

Adam: Let me guess, he did something terrible and broke your heart? Causing you to lose faith in love?

Molly: Hurm..

Adam: And then came another guy and you gave yourself another chance but again you were dissapointed?

Molly: But how did you know? Did you conduct a research about me?

Adam: From the way you treated me. I knew you are hurt. Your eyes shows. Don't ever give up on love okay? Promise me that. Promise me you won't give up on love.

Molly: Why is that so important?

Adam: Because one day a guy would come into your life and he will be the Guy for you. After that, you're going to realise why it never worked out with anyone else.

Molly: ...

Adam: If you can't promise then I will. I promise you Molly that someday, when you're out shopping or even taking a sip of your coffee then a reckless guy would come in through the door and make a fool on himself. Instantly, you would fall in love with him and he would make yo happy and then you'll understand why it never worked out with anyone else.

Molly: I don't know what to say...

Adam: Don't say anything then.

Adam smiled to that. But it was different for Molly. That incident already happened. It happened exactly like what Adam described. All her memories, she remembered her first encounter with Adam. It happened just like that when she first saw him. She saw him at Fast Coffee House. He accidentally tripped on his way to the counter. He didnt even covered his public humiliation. It was the first of Molly to watch such guy. And then she knew instantly that she had fallen in love with him. But how can she tell him this?

Molly: What if, I have met that person but I am not sure if he's the one?

Adam: You'll never know until you try.

Molly: So you're suggesting that I should try to win his heart?

Adam: You shouldn't try coz if he's the one then his heart is all yours.

Molly: Then what should I try to do?

Adam: Tell him how you really feel.

Molly: And if he rejects it?

Adam: A guy would be stupid enough to do that.

Molly: To reject a bitch like me?

Adam: No. To reject a love that could possibly be the greatest love of his life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Episode 15: Meet the Grandparents

Madam Lechrin: Adam is bringing a girl to meet us? I hope she's decent.

Sir Lechrin: She'd better be.

The sound of the car approached the parking lot. Both Madam Lechrin and Sir Lechrin could hear footsteps and some laughters from outside. They remained elegant and calm as they always do.

Molly: Wait! Hold on.

Adam: What?

Molly: Stay still.

Adam stayed still.

Molly: There you go. My 'boyfriend' need to look sharp for this important evening.

Adam: Oh, thanks.

Molly made sure that Adam's tux would look neat and tidy. After all, they are meeting his grandparents.

Slowly the door is opened. Madam Lechrin and Sir Lechrin waited anxiously for the guests' arrival. They prepared themselves to criticize their grandson's girlfriend.

Adam and Molly entered.

Madam Lechrin and Sir Lechrin are both speechless.

Madam Lechrin: Oh dear!

Sir Lechrin: Is this true?

Madam Lechrin: Why, aren't you the granddaughter of Sir Hoggary?

She asked Molly.

Molly: Well, yes I am. Very please to meet you. My name is...

Sir Lechrin: Decent! As neat as the Noble Hoggary himself! No need for introduction. We KNOW who you are.

Adam: That's weird. Molly, this is my grandparents. Have you ever met them before?

Molly: Erm... sorry for the impoliteness but I have never officially met both Madam and Sir Lechrin before.

Madam Lechrin: Oh, of course you don't know who we are! We heard about you from Mrs. Hoggary herself.

Adam: Huh?

Adam is at most confused.

Madam Lechrin: Oh! Silly us! Come on in and sit with us. Come on now, don't be shy. Adam, we're dissapointed in you for letting such guest to stand at the doorway for quite a long time. Shame on you!

Adam: What???

Madam Lechrin took Molly's hand and brought her to the living room. Meanwhile, Adam is stopped by Sir Lechrin.

Sir Lechrin: Where did you find her my one and only grandson?

Adam: Well... It's quite complicated...

Sir Lechrin: Oh my grandson! I have never been more proud!

Suddenly Sir Lechrin gave Adam a warm hug he had stopped given to him since he was 5.

Sir Lechrin: Good choice mate! Cheers!

Both Adam's grandparents loved Molly. They asked her many questions about her until she blushed. Adam wondered why his grandparents liked Molly so much. They never approved anything in his life before. They even loved her more than they had ever loved him. He didn't mind that. But he is sad because Molly and him are separated. Sir Lechrin had to leave after the dinner for a business meeting. So, Adam went to the balcony alone.

He gazed at stars but only wondered why his grandparents are acting so weirdly. They didn't like Emma before. Before he could further his thoughts, his hand was touched by cold yet lovely fingers.

Molly: Your Grandmother is watching. Come, and give me a kiss.

Adam looked at his Grandmother and smiled. He then kissed Molly on the cheek. Not the kind of kiss that Molly have been expecting.

Molly: It's cold out here. Why are you all alone?

Adam: Well, it's weird. It's very odd that this is the first time my grandparents actually like someone, besides thier own kin of course.

Molly: Is that thought wandering around your mind right now?

Adam: Pretty much.

Molly: Excuse me but are you jealous?

Adam: Whaaaat?? Why would I be jealous? They can have you whenever they want. It has got nothing to do with me.

Adam blushed. Molly smiled.

Molly: My question was - are you jealous that your grandparents are giving more attention to me than to you tonight?

Adam: Oh, that.. Yeah, I don't really mind.

Madam Lechrin: Oh children, I'm very sorry but I have to excuse myself right now. I've got important things to take care of. I'll accompany you to the door. Adam, do take good care of Molly.

Madam Lechrin then sent them to the door and they rook the ride home.


They stopped at their favourite place, The Hill. Both of them were lying under the stars on Adam's car.

Molly: Adam, can I ask you something? What would you say if your grandparents have proposed to me?

Adam: Yeah right.

Molly: Well, they actually did. When you excused yourself from the table during dinner just now.

Adam: WHAT???? And what did you say?

Molly: I said yes.