Sunday, February 14, 2010

Episode 17: Answers

Sam and Lewis: Yo Buddy!

Adam: Hey men, what's up?

Sam: Dude, you have got to get away from here!

Adam: What's the problem now? Is it Missie again?

Lewis: Dude! She's not even a problem. You can leave that chick to us.

Sam: It's Brad! He's back from training and he's looking for you!

Adam: Why would he look for me?

Lewis: Dude! Isn't it obvious? Coz you stole his girlfriend, Molly!

Adam: But Molly aren't really his girlfriend...

Sam: It didn't matter what happen! He wants to beat you!

Adam: So let him be. I don't care.

Lewis: Buddy, if we could fight, we wouldn't be scared like this. But we know nothing or martial arts! Let's get going! Or we're dead.

Adam: Well, you can join me or flee. It's all up to you.

Sam: Lewis, don't be a puss! Let us stay besides him, no matter what.

Just then Brad and his gang came and were looking for Adam.

Brad: Adam! How dare you!

Adam was eating at the cafeteria and he didn't stop even for that awful, Brad.

Brad: You stole my girlfriend!

Adam: Which one?

Brad was about to punch Adam when Sam and Lewis interfered.

Lewis: Hold up there. He didn't bother you at all so why should you bother him? Can't you see he's enjoying his meal right here?

Sam: Yeah man! You should never interfere a man when he's having his meal! It's lunch so technically it's the second most important meal of the day. Don't you get it?

Brad: Get the hell out of here. Or I'll smack you both! Guys, deal with these two morons!!

Brad's friends went forward to beat Sam and Lewis but someone intervened.

Adam: There's no need for violence.

Brad: There won't be one since we'll do the beating and you'll do the receiving.

Adam: Aha! A man of words eih? Well, why don't we settle this in court?

Brad: Huh! No thanks. I think I'll just do this instead!

Brad tried to hit Adam but he manged to avoid it. Brad tried swinging his fist at Adam but again he manged to avoid it. And it caused Brad to fell on the floor. And he fainted after he accidentally knocked himself on the table.

Adam: I told you. There's no need for violence. Anyway guys, let's go. I lost my appetite.

Brad's guys: Hold up! We're still here!

Adam: Yeah, I noticed. It is better you spend your time and energy to pick him up rather than getting in a fight with me.

Brad's guys: Who said we won't do anything? Let's take this outside.

One of Brad's guys took a shot at Adam from his back while he was facing the others in front of him. Adam fainted and Lewis and Sam tried to help out but they too got hit on the head.


Brad: Hahaha! Hahaha! You think you can beat me?You're wrong!

Adam regained his consciousness but felt pain in his head. He was lying on the road.

Brad: Do you know how hard it was for me to get Molly: I was this close to have her as my girlfriend. But you came out of nowhere and stole her from me!

Adam: Why would you want her so much huh? You don't care about her feelings! After you slept with her you left her alone! Why now?!

Brad: She told you about us? She told you??!

Adam: It wasn't hard to guess so.

Brad: You pathetic little life! Yeah,I left her. It was my biggest mistake,EVER! Ever since I dumped her, my life are ruined! I need her back. She's my lucky charm.

Adam: And yet you cheated on her and began to go out with other girls... What kind of love is that?

Brad: Shut up! I love her,I do. I'm a guy, you know. I'm a jock, I'm famous, I'm chased by all girls in school! So what if I slept with other girls? I'm just being a guy!

Adam: That's no excuse for you hurt her! You had a choice! To simply love her but you chose to walk away. That is when you made your mistake!

Brad: It wasn't easy! I was tempted with all of it. Fame,fortune and girls. That's what guys dream about. How would you know? You're just a Nerd, a geek! You couldn't possibly understand.

Adam: Oh you think I don't but I do. I know it a lot better. How would you know if those people you cal friends are not really your friends? What if they're only hanging out with you coz you're all that? What if those girls don't really like you for what you are? Have you ever thought about that?

Brad: Shut the hell up man! You don't know anything! Now you're going to pay for everything!

With his hands tied, Adam couldn't do anything. So he just have to accept what came to his face, the fists of Bradshaw Morty. Brad punched and kicked him as hard as he could, leaving no mercy behind. Blood was covering Adam's face and body. He was weak. He couldnt do a thing. The last thing he heard was someone calling out to his name. A voice which he finds comfort. It was calling his name.

Molly: Adam! Adam! Are you alright?

Adam: Is that you Molly?

Molly: Oh my God! You're a mess! Look at you! Oh Adam! You could have been killed!

Adam: Huh? What happened? Where's Brad?

Molly: He is not important, you need not think of him. Sam and Lewis told the Principal what happened. So we rushed here.

Adam: Sam and Lewis are okay?

Molly: Of coz they are. Why, you yourself are not well so why would you worried about other people.

Adam: He tried to hurt them. I couldn't let that happen.

Molly: But why didn't you protect yourself?

Adam: They got us from back.

Molly: I knew that. But why didn't you fight back? I know you could, if you wanted to. But you didn't. Why?

Adam: I..err.. wanted some truth from him.

Molly: What truth? He didn't owe you nothing.

Adam: Well.. Yeah, actually he owes you. I wanted to find out why he did you that way.

Molly: In what way?

Adam: I know he's the one who broke your heart. Who made you to lose faith in love. Life is full of questions. So..

Molly: So you got yourself beaten this bad because you wanted some answers for me?

Adam: Yeah.

Molly: Oh Adam! That's the sweetest thing anyone has done for me!

Molly hugged Adam close. She took his head into her chest. She had tears running on her cheek. She then kissed him on his lips.


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