Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Episode 20: Principal Office

Office: Attention to Adam Ritz Lechrin, attention! You are to report to the Principal's Office immediately. Thank you.

Everyone stared at Adam. Professor Charles nodded at him. Adam knew he had to get to the office immediately. It sounds bad. He was looking for support but Molly was nowhere to be found. She had been missing since two days ago. So, he quickly made his way.

He knocked the door.

Principal: Come in.

Adam: I understand you were calling for me, Sir?

Once he closed the door, Adam found out Molly was in the room as well. She wasn't the only one. Emma, his ex was there too. And his former school's principal, Mr Ritricky with Jason, the Student Body of Glory High School.

It was intense. Beside Molly was a girl whom Adam thought was familiar. It wasn't anyone from his previous school. He would have recognised her. Well, he knew practically everyone.

Principal: Sit down, Adam.

He sat down. He was curious.

Principal: Let me make it simple since we don't have all day. Mr Ritricky here, as you know, is the Headmaster of Glory High School. He is here to 'claim' you.

Adam: What? Why?

Jason: First thing first. You can't just abandon all of us just like that you know! The championship is two weeks away! You're the Captain! You might have not joined some of the games but it is unforgiven for you to bail on the Championship. We worked hard to stall the game.

Emma: He's right. The Student Body has failed miserably since you left us all. All is at mess. Please come home Adam, to where you really belong.

Mr Ritricky: Yes Mr. Lechrin, you can't just quit from Glory High School, bailing on the Warriors in time for the championship nor leave the Student Body just like that. You have many duties that need to be carried out.

Adam: But I can Mr Ritricky,I definitely can. I already did it. I've joined Aspire Academy legally. There's nothing you can do about that!

Mr Ritricky: Actually we can. You did sign the Contract which stated that you are not legit to leave Glory High School when you have unfinished responsibilities and duties. Obviously you didn't fill in the Resignation Form so therefore you did not quit officially. Thus, you still have duties to be carried out and your leaving is unacceptable by law!

Principal: Surely Mr Ritricky we can work something out.

Mr Ritricky: Mr Hummerson, I assure you not to interfere in Glory High School's matter or there will be consequences!

Mr Ritricky: With all due respect Mr Ritricky, although Glory High School is a noble school but this is my school so you have to respect me and my students as you are in my office!

Molly: If I may add up something, Sir?

Principal: Yes,you may.

Molly: Why don't we just make a deal out of this? As far as I know, dragging this matter to the court would be time and money consuming. Isn't that true, Brooke?

Brooke: Yes, it seems so. When this issue is being brought to the court then an investigation would be carried out to varify..

Emma: To varify Adam's entrance to this school and his quitting from Glory High School. I know that. But it doesn't matter coz whatever happen we would still have ItalicAdam back to the place he truly belongs!

Brooke: Yes, but you must also consider the time it's going to take for the the process to be done. I mean, there would be a lot of questioning and varifying facts. All those seems simply yet it's really complicated and by the time they have finished investigating then we would all have been graduated from either of the schools. We wouldn't want to miss the Champiosnhip nor leave the Student Body of Glory High just like that, right?

Mr Ritricky: This deal you're talking about, what are you getting at? That both schools would have to actually share Mr Lechrin?

Brooke: Sort of.

Molly: What are you really suggesting, Brooke?

Brooke: Well, let us give time for Mr Lechrin to decide. He should be given a period of time to decide where he wants to continue his studies at. In the meantime, he should return to Glory High School and finish whatever tasks he had left before. Until he is finished, he's got time to think about this matter. By doing so, neither party would sue or bring this matter along in the future. And the school which Mr Lechrin decided to leave would have to obey his wishes.

Emma: It's like a probation ain't it?

Brooke: Precisely! But, during his time at Glory Institute, he should be observed just in case.

Emma: But that wouldn't seem fair. What about our side?

Molly: If you want, a few of you could come along and observe Adam's life here in Aspire Academy too.

Principal: This is good enough for me.

Mr Ritricky: The same goes to me.

Both principals shook hands.

Jason: Sir, if we may? We would like a few words with Mr Lechrin here.

Mr Ritricky: Yes, you've got time until lunch hour.

Principal: Melissa, Brooke, join their conference in the Discussion Room. I'll escort Mt Ritricky to his car.

Brooke: Understood.

Molly: Yes,will do!

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