Friday, March 19, 2010

Episode 21: Another girl?

Jason: Come on man! What are yer doing her? You know this place sucks!

Brooke: Mind your language, please.

Emma: Adam, please, I beg you. Come back to us. Even if you don't want to join any organisation, it's fine by me. But, please, come back to me.

Jason: Emma, watch it! No! We have a lot of things to take care of! This slut may have left you but you still have us-your friends!

Emma: Who are you calling slut you backstabber? Who was the one to leave his so-called-friend when he needed you the most?

Jason: I only agreed you could come if you can bring Adam home but if this is your way then I would have...

Emma: You would have what?!

Brooke: Excuse me! This is the knid of talk you wanted to have with Mr Lechrin? Then you are wasting your time. He has already left while thw two of you were busy talking.

They could see the door shut.

Molly rushed to follow Adam's footsteps but she got lost when he turned on the corner. She decided to look for him at the rooftop-the place he loved to hang out. But he wasn't there. She searched the entire school but he was nowhere to be found.

So she returned to Brooke and the others.

Emma: Where is he?

Molly: I'm not sure. I couldn't find him.

Jason: See what you've done? God!

Brooke: People, it has already been an hour since Mr Lechrin's MIA. I suggest the representatives from Glory High School to return back from where you come from.

They refused at first but it was getting late. So they returned back to their school. Molly was upset to not managed to find Adam. Brooke approached her.

Brooke: You worry too much. He's a guy now. He can take care of himself.

Molly: I know that but he has gone through a lot this year.

Brooke: Tell you what. I'll get a day off for you and Adam. Then you can wait at home for him.

Molly: You will? Oh, thank you so much! I have got enough sleep for the couple of days.

Brooke: I know. You've been working on this matter so hard. You should get some rest.

Molly: Thanks.

So, with Brooke's smile, Molly convinced herself to get home. Brooke on the other hand, went to the Janitor's Office.

It was a large room for a janitor. It's comfy as well. As she expected, Adam was there. He was laying down there, looking out through the window.

Brooke: I thought I'd find you here.

Adam: You? How did you find me here?

Brooke: Yeah, this is not your place you know. It's my favourite spot too.

Adam: Humph.. I'm sure you must think that I'm some kind of an arrogant bastard who couldn't get enough of his life that he abandoned his duties and friends.

Brooke: Kinda.

Adam: You think I'm worse than that do you?

Brooke: Perhaps?

Adam looked at Brooke and he saw her smile. Then he knew she was joking.

Brooke: You don't remember me,do you?

Adam: Your face seems familiar but I still don't know where I've met you before.

Brooke: I was the girl with the latte at Fast Coffee House when you were hesitating to make a move on me or not.

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