Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Episode 24: Fresh Start?

Adam looked at Glory High School. He thought he would never return to this place. So many unforgettable memories will arise once he stepped in. Then he heard a door car was slammed behind him. He looked and saw...

Adam: Brooke? You're early.

Brooke: I know. I have to. I'm only going to be here for 10 mintues. Then I'm off to school. Where's Molly?

Adam: Probably sleeping. She looked exhausted.

Brooke: Oh, she must be that tired huh? Anyway, before we go in, let me remind you that we are here only to finish everything you've started before. If they add some more duties, say NO. Okay?

Adam: Understood.

As they were about to walk in the school, Glory's Student Body was waiting for them.

Adam: Don't look now but I think the whole school is here.

When they reached the door, it was opened by two guards. Glory High School is a private school. It's a place where only rich,famous and talented students can enter. Glory High School is a well-known school as one of the best school in the nation. They score academically and in sports as well. To them, winning is everything.

Emma: Good morning Adam. Glad to have you back!

Emma tried to kiss Adam on his cheek but he avoided it.

Jason: Welcome back Bro! Look, all of the Warriors are here!

Warriors: Welcome back Adam!

All of Glory High School was there to welcome Adam back to Glory High School. Even the Headmaster was there.

Mr Ritricky: Welcome back young Lechrin! Let us go to the Meeting Room and go through the documents that need your signature.

Brooke: Hold on Sir. Mr Lechrin is not here to sign any documents nor papers. First thing first, let's take a look on Mr Lechrin's duties.

Mr Ritricky: Oh yes. We can always save the documens for later. I'm convinced Mr Lechrin is will sign them sooner or later. Okay, right this way.

The school cheered.

Students: Our hero is back! Cheers! Hip-hip!

Glory High School: Hooray!

And the cheered continue on until Adam and the others went into the Meeting Room. The secretary, Mrs Johnson was there too. She was standing in the corner of the room. All took their seats. Brooke sat right next to Adam while the Student Body sat opposite of them. Mr Ritricky on the other hand sat at the end of the long wooden table.

Mr Ritricky: Here's a document of your duties Mr Lechrin.

He passed the half-inched paper to Adam. The other copy to Brooke. Adam and Brooke went through lines by lines.

Mr Ritricky: We don't want to leave things hanging, so that my friend is the specific duties that you have to carry out, Mr Lechrin.

Brooke: Good God! Is this a list of duties or a business agreement?

Mr Ritricky: Just to be cautious.

Brooke: If that's so. Then, the same goes for us.

Brooked put her black briefcase and put it on the table. She unlocked it and retrieved some documents. Turned out, it was even thicker.

Mr Ritcriky: If you don't mind me asking. What is that?

Brooke: Nothing. Just safety precautions. Mr Lechrin did tell me the responsibilities he held during his year in this school and I have confirmed with your secretary, Mrs Johnson that these conditions go fit with your school's regulations. Nothing to be worried about. Just like I said, it's safety precautions.

Jason: Are you kidding me? Couldn't you make it more hicker? Or even at the size of a turkey sandwich?

Brooke: We'll play around by your conditions if you abide ours.

Mr Ritricky started to sweat. He thought by all those rules he could keep Adam in his school and cheat out of their bargain but he was wrong. He almost choked. He looked at the Student Body nervously. He then knew he couldn't underestimate Brooke's knowledge.

Mr Ritricky: Okay then. What if I make it thinner?

Brooke: This will only go away if yours are too.

Mr Ritricky: Okay, I surrender! But there ought to be some rules right?

Brooke: I only go by three rules and I expect you to abide it as well. Firstly; Mr Lechrin is only here to carry our his duties as the way he left them behind. Meaning, there is no addition duties nor responsibilities for him. Second; Both schools,Glory and Perspire, are not allowed to persuade, blackmail nor force Mr Lechrin to join their school. Lastly; both schools, Glory and Perspire would agree to Mr Lechrin's decision and would not question his decision. If any of the rules is broken then at that moment of time this agreement is off and Mr Lechrin will continue his studies without any disturbance nor objections form any parties of the school of his choice. Agree?

Mr Ritricky thought for a moment. He had to abide by those rules. Glory needs Mr Lechrin right now.

Mr Ritricky: I agree.

Brooke shook hand with Mr Ritricky.

Brooke: Oh my! It's getting late. I need to return to school. Walk me out will you Mr Lechrin?

Adam nodded and guided Brooke her way out of the school. She could have got lost in the big school. Luckily Adam still know his way around the school. Then, they came to the car.

Adam: Here we are.

Brooke: Hey, if they broke any of those rules then just give me a call will you? I'll come as quick as I can. They're going to give you a hard time, I know it. But, strive Adam Lechrin. Survive.

Adam: Hey, thanks. You know, for all of this.

Adam reached out his hand to Brooke.

Brooke: Your welcome. But, Molly is actually behind all of this. She's the Master Mind. You should thank her too.

And she shook Adam's hand.

Adam: Okay. And, take care of Melissa for me will you? Thanks.

Brooke: Will do! By the way, you look handsome today.

Adam closed the door and waved as the black car rode by Brooke drove away. In his Glory uniform of white and blue, he walked towards the school. Emma and Jason was waiting for him.

Jason: I know this is unfair but let's start new. Shall we?

Emma: Is this a fresh start then?

Adam: Yeah. It's a fresh start.

Jason hugged Adam in joy. He walked Adam to their class. It was just like the old days. Emma was behind them. She looked at Adam from behind and smiled. This is her chance to have a fresh start with Adam. Only this time, she will not screw it up nor let him go.

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