Sunday, March 21, 2010

Episode 23: Melissa

Adam ran his way to Molly's house. He wanted to see Molly before he starts his day at Glory High School tomorrow.

He arrived at Molly's front gate with hard pantings. He was out of breath. Luckily the night was still young. He rang the bell. The security guard answered it.

Guard: Oh, Mr.Lechrin. Do come in. Miss Brandon is inside.

The Guard opened the gate for Adam and along the way came Mrs Spudinski to lead him the way.

Mrs Spudinski: This way please. Glad to see you again. Molly is upstairs.

Adam was making his way to Molly's bedroom but was stopped when he sensed something was wrong.

Adam: Are you alright Mrs Spudinski? You look rather worried.

Mrs Spudinski: It's Miss Brandon. She looks tired. She looks pale when she got home from school today. Please take good care of her.

Adam: I will.

Hearing the words that came out of Mrs Spudinski's mouth made Adam worried. He fastened his footsteps and by the time he arrived at Molly's bedroom, he stopped running.

He looked at the poor Molly. He walked slowly, not to awake her. She was lying in her bed with her comforter. Her face looked hectic. Pain was all over her face. He pulled a chair and sat beside Molly's bed.

Adam: You must be tired.

Suddenly, Molly opened her eyes and was delighted to see Adam.

Molly: Hey.

Adam: Oh, sorry to wake you up.

Molly: It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway.

Adam took Molly's hand. He held it closely.

Adam: Thank you Molly.

Molly: For what?

Adam: I know what you did.

Molly: Brooke told you about it?

Adam: You couldn't hide it from me even if you wanted to Melissa.

Molly: What's up calling my full name like that?

Adam: Nothing. Just wanted to try it for once. Why? You don't like it?

Molly: No. It feels weird. Coz all these time people have been calling me 'Molly' and I forgot what it's like to hear it.

Adam: Really? So, when was the last time you were called by that name?

Molly: When I had a chubby cheek. My parents used to call me like that. Before they got rich and all.

Adam: Tell you what. From now on, I'll call you Melissa.

Molly: You'd do that ?

Adam: Yeah. Melissa Anne Brandon. It's a beautiful name.

Molly: Thank you. Anyway, tomorrow's a big day huh? Wanna talk about it?

Adam: Only if I can bore you to sleep.

Molly: But I don't wanna go to sleep. It's still early.

Adam: You're tired. You need some rest. Tell you what. I'm going to need all the support I can from you so you must be all energized up tomorrow. And you can only be at full strength if you have a godd night sleep tonight.

Molly: That's true. But, I'm not sleepy yet.

Adam: Okay then, I'll bore you to your dream.

Molly: Okay. It's a deal! So, spill! Tell me about your plans tomorrow.

Adam: Okay, first of; I'm going to brag about you in front of Emma.

They laughed.

Molly: Put Emma aside, what about your team? The Warriors?

Adam: As you know, they don't really need me. They just haven't got used to the fact that they have to stand on their own ground. I'll show them they can actually survive the school without me.

Molly: Wow. How are you going to achieve that?

Adam: I'd still be me. But, I'm just going to be a low-profile student. I'll find a way for them to actually believe in themselves and not just rely on me.

Molly: That's going to be hard. But, knowing you, I know you can do it. I believe you can.

Adam: You have faith in me?

Molly: Yes, I do. But, what if they make it hard for you? I'm worried about that.

Adam: Don't you go frowning over that Melissa. With you by my side, I'll be sure to handle it. I can't lose my face in front of my girlfriend do I? I'd look like a pussie.

Molly laughed. Her eyes were getting heavier. She felt sleepy.

Adam: Don't hold back. Just go to sleep.

Molly: Are you sure?

Adam: Yes. Sleep.

Molly: Good night.

Molly got up and gave Adam a kiss on the peck.

Adam: Sleep well Melissa.

Molly went to sleep soundly. Adam stayed. He did not want to think about tomorrow just yet because in front of him is the view of an angel. His heart was calm looking at Melissa sleeping.

Adam: Melissa?

He smiled.

Adam: It really is a beautiful name. And you are an angel Melissa.

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