Thursday, December 24, 2009

Episode 14: The Necklace

It was Sunday morning. As usual, Molly and her family would go out at the deck near the beach. Her younger brother, Jamie would ride the tricycle. He was 6 years old and she was 9.

They were a happy family. That was before her parents got rich and putting their business over their family. At that time her hair was short, but not too short. It was nice as it fits her cute face. Jamie would cycle his small blue bike around the deck, abandoning his sister and parents. Meanwhile, Molly would always go to the end of the bridge and put her face in betweens the gates.

She would enjoy the sunrise and the smell of the sea. Her parents would first entertain her and stood beside her but then Jamie would always fell down the bike and their parents would rushed to him. She was left alone.

The breeze caught her cheeks. She remembered the necklace her late Grandma gave to her. She held on to it. She took it off and put it on her small palms. She was distracted by her brother's screaming out of pain. And so, she dropped her red necklace and she thought all was at lost.

Then came a little boy with dark brown hair out of nowhere and jumped of the deck. Splash! Molly was a bright girl so she knew the water was too deep and the boy could not have survived that cold deep dark water. She was nervous. She hoped he survived even if the necklace was lost.

A few minutes later, there were bubbles coming to the surface of the ocean. The dark brown haired boy came out of the water, holding her precious necklace. She yelled for help instantly. the parents of the boy came and pulled him out of the sea. They tried to help him stand up but he was balanced enough to stand on his own feet. Shivering, he held out her necklace and gave it to her.

Boy: This must be precious to you.

Molly: Yeah, thanks. But, why?

Before the boy could answer, his parents said it first.

Parents: It was dangerous of you to do that! You could have died Adam!

He chuckles. They were scared and mad but their son's safety is the important thing right now.

Adam: Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. It's just that I lost something to the sea too so it hurts me to see if she suffer from it too. Besides, I'm a good swimmer ayte? You said so yourself.

Molly's parents came as fast they could. They wondered what happened. Some people near the scene came too. It was a miracle that a 9 year old boy swam the sea just to save a girl's necklace.

Adam: Anyway, it's freezing out here. Could you buy treat me to a hot chocolate Mum?

Adam's parents were worried but somehow, they trusted him. He's not an ordinary child, he's a special one. Then Adam's sister finally showed up.

Jane: Adam! I saw you jumped the bridge! You could have been killed!

Quickly she hugged Adam. She was worried too. All of them were until Adam looked unharmed. People started to walk away. Adam's father gave him his jacket to warm him up.

Adam's Dad: Let's go son. We'll get you warmed up!

Molly stopped them.

Molly: Wait! Thank you. This necklace is precious to me. I owe you one.

She cracked open her necklace. It was made to be divided into two.

Molly: This is my way of saying thanks.

Adam took it with a pleasure.

Adam: I promise I'll look after it! Thanks...

Molly remembered what her Grandma told her about the necklace.

Grandma: Hold this necklace close to your heart. It's very special.

Molly: What is so special about it Grandma?

Grandma: Why it's the thing that kep your GrandDad and I together all the time. He gave it to me when we first met.

Molly: But what if someone special came into my life one day Grandma?

Grandma: I'll want you to give the half of it to him. It will bring both of you luck. Until it is separated and again reunited, it is just merely a necklace.

Molly: Why is it so Grandma?

Grandma: Because good things are meant to be shared. If you only keep it to yourself then it wouldn't be something special. It's very contrast from secrets.

So then she knows. Grandma would be happy that another half of the necklace is with that brave boy. Molly hope it will do her good.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Episode 13: The Apartment

Adam: You wanna see my apartment?

Molly: Sure thing. But, are you okay?

Adam: I think I can handle it.

Molly: Well, alright then.

Adam: First one to the car gets to drive!

They raced to the parking lot of Molly's house. The finishing line is Adam's Jaguar. Although Adam was fast but Molly fasten up her steps too. She caught up with him at the stairs. She bumped him that his body touched the wall. She smirks at him.

Molly: I'll arrive there first!

She left him upstairs but this will not he allows. He skipped a few stairs but he lost control. He was about to fall when Molly held out her hands to catch him. But he weighed more than her and both of them fell down the floor.

Adam: Fall again.

Molly: Yes.

They laughed out loud. But both knew the race wasn't over yet so when Adam tried to get up,Molly pulled his leg down. They both struggle trying to return to their pace. There were a lot of bumps, knocks and falls during the race but at the end,Molly came first. Claiming the prize promised by Adam. And so, Adam instructed her on where their destination was.

They stopped at a pavement of a not-so busy road. Molly got out of the car slowly as she as amazed by the scenery.

She looked up and all that was in front of her was a beautiful apartment, heading the sunset of the boulevard, looking down upon the blue sky.

Molly: This is it?

Adam: Yeah.

Molly: How could you afford so?

Adam: Let's go up and I'll tell.

He opened the gate with a Card-Key. And they stepped into the Lounge where a number of staffs were loitering around, seeking for Lost People. They were greeted by an old man in a red-uniform. The hall is exactly as a Hotel Lounge but it is not.

Mr. Oldman: Welcome sir. It has been a long time since you came back.

Adam: Well, I missed this place. Oh, and I also brought a friend along. This is erm, my girlfriend, Molly. Molly, this is Mr. Oldman, the keeper of my apartment.

Molly: Hello, it is nice to meet you.

Mr. Oldman: Nice to meet you too. Shall I take you to your apartment?

Adam: It's okay. I still remember this place around. Thank you anyway.

Mr. Oldman: Here is your key. Glad to have you back sir.

Adam: Thank you.


Molly: Is this an apartment or a 5 Star Hotel?

Adam: It's an apartment, witl a little bit of security. My uncle suggested this place to me. I just hope it's still in good shape.

He opened the door of his apartment. He thought it would be dusty and all but it's the exac opposite. The house was sparkling clean. Not even a bit of a thin dust left there. Meanwhile, Molly was amazed by his apartment.

Adam: Mr. Oldman must have been looking after this apartment while I was gone. What a nice man.

Molly: Wow. Did you decorate it all by yourself? Including the arrangement of the furniture?

Adam: Yeah, but I had a little help of course.

Molly was sight-seeing the apartment. It was not like what she imagined. A guy's house is supposed to be messy, plain and simple but he amazed her. It was rather stylish and yet elegant. He has good taste.

Adam: I used to play basketball. And sing. That's where I got my incomes.

Molly: Jane told me you have a great voice but I didn't know you made money out of it.

Adam: Yeah, I didn't know it was in me either until I sang.

Molly: So, what happened?

Adam: Well, things changed. People moved on, so did I.

They went through the photos of Adam on the frames put on the tables and cupboards. The glorious days he had back then. The room was empty of voices. They were still. Suddenly, he asked...

Adam: Wanna see something really awesome? Check this out.

He opened the window that were facing the sunset. It was fantastic. The sun was setting so they had the privilege of seeing it together. Adam leaned on the window and Molly stood besides him.

Molly: This must be the reason why you chose this place.

Adam: Yeah. It brought back memories of old times.

Molly got near him to hold him out. She has always been wanting to hold him so dearly, and this she didn't understand why. Slowly, she slipped her hands through his. A desire then awoken. The desire to be besides him all the time, to hold him so near and never let go.

She whispers...

Molly: I'll never let you go.

Adam was too busy with the view that he didn't hear her.


Molly: May I ask?

Adam: What?

Molly: I have been wondering.. Am I the first girl to actually came here?

Adam: Well,Emma has been here before.

Molly looked quite dissapointed.

Adam: But she haven't came in here yet.

Molly looked at Adam with an exciting eyes.

Adam: Yeah, she always waited downstairs at the Lounge. So, practically...

Molly: I'm the first girl to be here?

Adam: Not exactly.. I mean, both my mum and Jane have been here before.

Molly felt relieved.

Molly: So, there must be a court down nearby am I right?

Adam: How did you know?

Molly: Obviously, you tried to let it go, claiming you're nowhere near it but I saw it through on that night.

Adam: That night? You meant when we actually first met?

Molly: First met? NO. I believe that was our fifth time of encountering.

Adam: The THIRD time? For real? We've met before?

They were preparing dinner at the time. Molly was quite sad when she found out Adam didn't remember they have met before.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Episode 12: The Closet

He was falling. Into the deep dark tunnel with no end. He screamed but no one hears. He was about to give up when a hand reached out to him He took it. And...

He woke up. He finds himself neatly tucked into the bed. It has been a long time since he's in that spot. His lovely mother used to do that to him. She used to spoil him too much like he was an only child. Jane didn't mind that because she's was too old for that kind of stuff.

Adam felt like someone was holding on to him so dearly. What's this warm feeling, he asked. On his right hand was another hand. That hand of course didn't belong to him. It is such a gentle one. So soft and comforting. He looked for the owner and found her lying next to him. She was looking at him with her eyes closed. An angel, he thought. Wearing a white night gown, with such tenderness. This must be the owner of the hand of his saviour in his dream earlier. He looked at her dearly. Whne he stumbled upon that familiar face, he screamed. And out of fright, he fell down the bed. The angel that was looking after him woke in surprise out of the scream.

Molly: What?

Adam was in pain. Again,it's his face that paid the price. He rubbed it to make the pain go away. He looked at her in wonder.

Adam: What am I... what am I doing here?

Molly was still sleepy brushed her eyes to gain consciousness.

Molly: I don't know. Last night I found you were sleeping outside my house.

Adam: Really?

He tried to remember. Then it all came back to him. His grandparents cancelled their dinner, he met his ex, Emma, and he was too tired to drive. But what he didn't remember was Molly looking after him until late night. She ensures his body temperature didn't go any higher and kept him warm. She slept somewhere in the middle of that. After a few second, Molly crawled until the other side of the bed and got off the bed. Adam was in terror. He was speechless. His heart was beating faster every step she's getting closer. But all of that was erased when she puts her hand on his forehead, checking his body temperature.

Molly: You're getting better. The fever must have cooled down this morning.

Molly then took off her hand. She then realised the face he was shaping right now. She knew he must have thought she had other intentions upon him. She teased him..

Molly: You didn't think I'd wanted to do something else to you, do you?

Adam: Well, I'm in your room wearing only my inner shirt and my boxer while you're in your sexy white night gown, leaning your body towards mine. How do you think that makes me feel?

Molly: Seduced? Wait! You think I look sexy in this?

He blushed. She wanted to take advantage of this. So she went again and leaned forward her body towards his. She gazed into his eyes, into that blue eyes. She lifted her eyebrows. She puts on a dirty smile. And the distance between their faces were getting closer by the second. Adam leaned backward to avoid her. Making it more fun for her to tease him. He didn't have anywhere else to escape as his body already landed on the floor. She was getting too close to avoid. He then scolded himself for not making a rule for this. He didn't know what to do. A part of him wanted to join her but the other wanted to escape. He then closed his eyes. His face was so funny that it made Molly burst into laughters. Even her elbows got stripped that she loses control. Gravity pulled her to him. But her hands were strong enough to stop the velocity of her body. And she said...

Molly: Boo!

Adam opened his eyes once he heard the laughters. He was a little bit mad but he was okay.

Adam: Oh, you think that was funny?

Molly: Yeah, I...could not stop laughing.

She laughed all the way to her bathroom. She opened the door to tell him...

Molly: Hey, give Jane a call. She must be worried. And, we can still make it to school. Of course the school guard would be at the gate but I can make him to be nice.

Adam: No, thanks. I don't think I want to go to school today.

They were having conversation with Adam in her bedroom and Molly in her bathroom.

Molly: Why not?

Adam: I just.. don't feel like it.

Molly: Okay.

Somehow she understood. She knew it must had something to do with the reason Adam is in her room right now.

Adam: Just, okay? You're not mad?

Molly: Please,who am I to scold you for not going to school? I do that all the time.

Adam: Oh,yeah. Forgot! But wait, why aren't you all these while?

Molly: Oh, it's becuase it'd be weird for my guy to be at school while I'm not and Missie would take advantage out of it. Anyway, there's a fresh new clothes for you in the closet. Go and wear them.

It was odd. As far as Adam know, he didn't left his clothes here before. He opened her huge closet and found out there are four section of the room. three of them belonged to Molly (there's a sign saying 'Molly's'). The other section was labelled with his name on it. He was surprised.

Adam: Hey Molly.

Molly: About the closet?

She came out with her bathrobe on. She was brushing her tooth.

Adam: Uhuh.

Molly: Well, since you'll be crashing here from time to time, I thought I'd buy you some clothes on for situation like this.

Adam: Oh.. Wow! Amazing.

Molly: Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl gotta do. Ouh, before I forgot, when you're free, please come by and put a few of your clothes here. It'd make Missie goes crazy.

Adam: You're wicked!

Molly: I know. Okay,come in here, I want to show you something!

She grabbed Adam by the arm and led him into her bathroom.

Adam: And this too?

She continued to brush her teeth.

Molly: Yeah, here, take your towel.

She passed him a nice white towel which she kept only for him to use.

Adam: Nice! I've gotta do this too at my apartment!

Molly spits out. She looked at him.

Molly: Shut up! You own an apartment? All by yourself?

Adam: Well,yeah.

Molly: No! Wait, you have an apartment and you didn't tell me?

Adam: I thought you didn't want to know...

Molly: Adam! I am so furious at you right now. You know we don't keep secrets! I mean, what am I going to say if I surprisedly found out from Missie that you own an apartment?

Adam: Well,I err...

Molly: No, no! Don't talk to me! I am so mad at you right now!

She pushed him away. He had no choice. He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Adam: Molly?

Molly still refused to talk to him. To make her listen, he grabbed her by hand. He gazed into her eyes for honesty.

Adam: I didn't tell you this before because.. it has been a long time since I've been to the apartment. Truth be told, I didn't even want to remember about it until now.

Molly was listening.

Adam: You see, before my parents, you know, died, I did something terrible. I said I wanted to move out of the house to be independent. But my parents disapproved. I did it anyway and at the night I was supposed to be in my room, at the night that my parents died, I wasn't there for them.

Adam's face was getting worse. He was about to broke down but Molly placed her hands on his face to make him calm. She shook her hand, indicating he didn't have to say anything more.

Adam: No,let me finish. And, when I think of you and your closet earlier, it reminded me of my apartment down the Spring Lane. Even I was shocked that I still remember that place.

Molly: Hush, hush. It's okay. I'm sorry.

Adam: No, I'm sorry. You're right, if anyone at our school found out about it before you do, I bet that would hurt. So, I'm sorry. No more secrets after this. I promise.

Molly hugged him instead. She smiled thinking that he had opened his heart, little by little to her.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Episode 11: 6 Simple Rules

Adam: You know what to do right?

Molly: You bet!

Adam: Got all you need?

Molly: Pen? Checked! Paper? Checked! How bout you?

Adam: I'm all set! Now, remember..

Molly: No hard feelings,I get it.

Adam: Let's start! Ladies first.

Molly and Adam is making a list of what to and what not to do. This is to set up lines and boundaries between the both of them. But, before the rules are agreed upon, they need to discus about if first.

Molly: First, we should act as a couple as real as possible when in front of people and do whatever it takes to not comprimise this. Agree?

Adam: Yeah.

Molly: Your turn.

Adam: Right! No sex.

Molly: What?

Adam: No hard feelings, remember?

Molly laughed. She knew it was impossible to get him in bed with her. She didn't even think he would want to do it.

Molly: Okay. Next, when going out on dates, we should use both ways; your style and mine.

Adam: Fair enough. Mine, we should get to know each other very well. Discovering favourite foods, allegies and everything that's related. Yours?

Molly: No cheating!

Adam: But, what if one of us happens to like another person?

Molly: Meaning you like me too?

She laughed.

Adam: You know what I mean. Then how?

Molly: Why? You have someone in mind?

Adam: Well, not really. Just thinking of a situation where we might caught in.

Molly: If that's the case, then it's okay for any of us to date another human being at the same time. But, what will happen if we get caught?

Adam: Just say that's just a rumour?

Molly: Missie out of all won't buy it. She'll head out and investigate.

Adam: Ouch, then, maybe we shouldn't?

Adam looked rather dissapointed. Molly thought there might be someone he has in mind. Adam was thinking about the girl he saw at Fast Coffee House.

Molly: Just do what ever we want. And later say we have an open relationship.

Adam: Really? They're really gonna buy it?

Molly: Yeah, but do inform first so that we won't be surprised.

Adam: Deal!

Molly: You're next.

Adam: Mind our own business.

Molly: That's not hard to do.

Adam: But, what if our schoolmates found out about me? About my past,that is.

Molly: Just say all of that isn't true.

Adam: But, I'm not wearing my 'mask' at all now.

Molly: We'll just say I transformed you.

Adam: Good idea. Anyway, that's all I got. You?

Molly: Really? Me too. So, that concludes all.

Adam: Yeah, six simple rules.

They listed all of the rules and keep it safe. No one should ever find out about it. Molly kept it in a box in a secret panel she hid it under her bed. Adam placed it in his pocket.

Molly: Don't forget where you put it.

Adam: Sure won't! I'd better get going. My grandparents in town. They'll arrive sooner or later.

Molly: Okay,take care! I also have an appointment with a guy?

Adam: That soon? You must be selling high!

Molly: What? You don't know? Haha.. Well,actually not yet. But I'm going to text him right now.

Molly was texting someone. Adam smiled.

Adam: Well,whatever you do, don't get caught.

Molly: I have been doing this my entire life. Don't worry.

Adam: Well, okay. See you tomorrow at school! You want me to pick you up?

Molly: Nah,it's okay. Have a good time with your grandparents!

Adam: I'll try.

Molly: Wait just a moment!

Adam: Yeah?

Molly went to Adam and tied his tux. He had to look best for his grandparents really are 'something', from what she heard of. Because Adam sat down and have been writing things, his suit went off. Molly even re-tied his tie.

Molly: You ought to look decent.

Adam: Well,thank. I'll get going.

She leaned over and give him a peck kiss. Adam didn't mind. It has became the habit of hers to do so. Although, she had neve done that before, to anyone,at all.


Adam was on his way home when Jane phoned him.

Jane: Adam,where are you?

Adam: I'm 5 minutes away from home.

Jane: No,it's okay. Granddad and Granny cancelled the dinner tonight.

Adam: What? Why?

Jane: I'm not sure. They said they had some business to take care of.

Adam: Oh,okay.

Jane: Drive safe! And don't be home before 10..! Be normal little brother.

Adam: I'll try. Bye...

Jane: Take care!


Adam sat on his car. Lying down watching the stars in the sky. He is thinking about many things. One of them is Molly. Looking back, Molly really is beautiful to his eyes. Her laughs, her smiles, everything about her is wonderful. He wonders if the feeling he's having is just a crush or perharps it was more than that? Anyway, he tried to sleep under those pretty sky. He's at The Garden, one of his favourites place to dive into the Wonders of The World. But something interrupted his night then. A phone call. He wondered if it's Molly calling, wanting to tell him all about her 'good times'. But it wasn't. He hesistated to answer at first but then he pressed the green button.

Adam: Hello?

Caller: Hey.

It's a girl. Somehow he knew that voice but he couldn't recall who it was.

Adam: Who is this?

Caller: You're lying down on your car gazing the stars again?

He knew the caller was there too. He got up, still trying to figure out who it was.

Caller: Do you mind if I join you?

He looked left and stumbled upon a figure. A figure which he had known for a long time. It was...

Adam: Emma?

Emma: Long time no see. You look dashing tonight.

Adam couldn't believe his eyes. He hung up on her.

Adam: Emma? What are you doing here?

Emma: I believe a gentleman would ask a lady to join him. And I believe you are a gentleman.

He got off his car and went to see her face-to-face. He wanted to make sure it was really Emma, his ex.

Adam: Are you kidding me?

Emma: Wake up Snoozy! I knew you love to sleep a lot but wake up already!

Adam: I am. I just..couldn't believe what I'm seeing. I mean, how did you find me?

Emma: Gotcha! I knew you were hiding form us,especially me. Am I right?

Adam: Urm.. Well,look at the time! Time pass by so fast. I gotta go. My sister is waiting for me.

Adam tried to get out of the situation. It was a surprise. But an unpleasant one.

Adam urged to his car but only being stopped by Emma. She held his hands. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was extremely overjoy to found him,at last.

Emma: Don't you miss me?

Adam: Well...

Emma hugged him so fast that he didn't have the time to finished his sentence.. She cried in his arms. Adam didn't hug her. He promised Molly he wouldn't cheat.

Emma: Do you hate me so much that you won't even hug me anymore?

Adam: What has passed, is past. We can't undo it.

Emma: But you said you love me!

Adam: I loved you.

Emma: You yourself said we can't undo the past so you can't undo that word, that feeling!

Adam: Please,don't do this.

Emma: Why? You think you're better than me now?

Adam: No,I didn't say that. Listen to me! The thing between us is over. Move on!

Emma: But what if I can't move on?

Adam: Then that's your problem,not mine. I'm sorry. I've gotta go.

Adam rushed into his car and drove off. He didn't want to do it but Emma left him with no choice. Of all the time being, why does she has to choose now-he asked. He's in a relationship with Molly. Even if it is a fake one but he honours it. There's nothing more that he hates than cheating itself! He knew if he didn't leave Emma like that, something had happened. Something bad. Something that would jeapordise him and Molly. His heart became something so hateful, so ache that he couldn't breathe for a moment. He didn't want to come home like this so he texted Jane saying he won't be coming home that night. He didn't have anywhere else to go. So he just drove. He wanted to be anywhere but there.

Once he pulled the brakes, he found that he already arrived at Molly's house. He remembered she had 'something' to do that night. But he couldn't drive anymore. He was out of his mind. He then fell asleep in his car.

Molly was walking home when she stumbled upon Adam,in his car, sleeping. Jane phoned her earlier, telling to watch him out. He seems in trouble, she figured. She looked at him. She didn't want to bother him in his beauty sleep. So she asked her security guard to help her pick him up to her room. Luckily his car wasn't locked and he was sleeping so soundly. Molly asked the security guard to help her place Adam in her bed. She knew how uncomfortable it was in her sofa bed. Right after the security guard left, she took off his shoes and his tux. She felt his forehead, it was warm, it wasn't at normal temperature. She grabbed a towel and wet it. And placed it in his forehead. He was mumbling something until a tear came out of his eyes. She wiped it off. She held his hands. She wondered what happened. A few nights ago he looked fine. The position she was in was rather torchering so she climbed the bed carefully and sat next to him. Brushing his hair to the back and holding his warm hands. It was her turn, to look after him. Anyway, she's glad he turned to her for comfort,for protection.



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Episode 10: The Diary of A.L

Hi,my name is A.L. I will be 17 years old this October. Unlike any other guys with raging hormones,I am able to keep it low. Beside, I have a past like no other. Let's dive into my history. It started like this..

I was a young and not to mention a foolish boy. Every girl I met, everyone of them I thought was 'The One'. But how I was wrong. Every girl that I encountered left me with a broken heart. After we went through all sort of things, they tend to leave me by saying that same old sentence that has caused such pain and misery to my ears and also to my poor heart. They always say, "Adam you're a really nice guy but.. It's not that I don't love you because I do. I'm not sure if I'm good enough for you. You've got looks, you have fortune and you're perfect but I'm afraid I don't deserve you,I'm not good enough." Maybe what my Aunt Tania told me is true. Our family has been cursed way long back before during the time of my ancestors. Often I can found my relatives, near or far, turned out to be either an old spinster or just a widower.

Can you believe all the shit they said? BUT is a hazardous word to my life. It turned my life upside down. Back in East High School, I was everything a guy dreamt to be. I was a jock, the Team Captain for the Warriors Basketball team. I was the school's president, I have a happy family, living with my parents and a protective sister. I dated the school's brainiac,Emma. Not only with 'pretty face' like some may call me,I also have the brain. I score high on every subjects except History. I was also involved with the school theatre. But, all of that was a curse to me. With so much thing to do, everyone expected me to be someone's I'm not, with that heavy burden lies in my shoulder. After my parent's death, everything went more wrong.

My so-called-girlfriend cheated on me with the new kid in my team. And then when I went single, girls started to chase me again ,which was horrible. My life wasn't a peace. One of my obsessed fans tried to perform a black magic ritual on me. Right after that one of my sister's worker tied me to her bed and tried to rape me(yes,believe it or not). Luckily the police came right on time or I wouldn't be a virgin anymore. And so, I transfered from East High School to here, Aspire Academy.

I've changed my looks and I've hid my talents. I stayed away from the things I love the most; theatre, basketball and music. I disguised myself as a Nerd here. I've found new mates; Lewis and Sam and other Nerds. I didn't expose myself so much to them because I was afraid it would lead them to my secrets. I made friends with people for Fast Coffee House. Susan is now like my own younger sister. Since the day I lost everything, I've kept my distance from everyone from my past including Jane. But then one day came when I met with this silly girl, Molly. She's the Head cheerleader in our school and the most popular girl in school. Every guy in school went crazy for her. I've heard rumours about her sleeping around with some of the 'hottest' guys in town. It's the kind of girl I should stay away from. She is the opposite of me. We both want different things and our perspective of life is completely separated.

Molly? She has this blonde hair, usually wear tight shirts and often chooses mini skirts on the wrong days. Her eyes were grey in colour and she has a fair white skin. To be frank, Molly is DEFENITELY not my type of girl. Oh,no. I'm into girls that is not so popular but owns the kindest heart and has her own inner beauty that only I can see. Like the girl I saw at the Fast Coffee House. Her hair was brown, her lips were red and her outfit was just plain simple. And since I met Molly and we accidentally were forced into a relationship and so here I am. Funny though how Molly has this way of reconnecting me to my world before. She awakes a person who I think didn't exist in me. I didn't think I'd have been having such desires towards her, something which is new and odd to me. I've never felt such way with all my ex-es before. I hope it's not a bad thing. Anyway, it's just a matter of time before the rumours of me resurfing back to the world gone to the ears of my friends back in East High. Until then, I still have to face the awkward situation here.


Episode 9: The Happy Couple

It was 7 in the morning. With the presence of Adam in her room, Molly somehow woke up early and had bath. Once she came out with her pink bath robe. She was going to go to her closet when she looked at Adam. He must be tired, she thought. What all with the uncomfortable sofa bed and all. Adam's face looked calm to her. She had never seen such figure before. He looked cute when he's asleep. She wanted to brush her fingers on his cheek but something stopped her. She couldn't touch him,out of respect,out of tenderness. He looks like he's suffering from the uncomfortable 'bed'. So right after she put her clothes on, she asked Mrs.Spudinski to serve breakfast. Normally she wouldn't have breakfast at her very own house but since she had a guest,she must.

She pitied Adam. So she reached out her hands and slowly took Adam's head and placed it in her laps. Only then he looked comfortable. Now he seems to be smiling by whatever dreams he may encountered. A good guy is hard to come by, especially in Molly's life. Her beauty is a curse. Guys find her attractive and sometimes only treat her nice before they showed their true colours. But Adam wasn't nothing she had seen before. There's an opportunity here. She tried to hold back before but now is her chance to win his heart. So she decided to give her best shot. If he turned her down, she'll back off. Only this makes her brave to touch him.

Her fingers were wandering his eyes, his cute nose and finally his very tempting red lips. She bite her lips from reaching out to his. But she couldn't resist it. She remembered their first kiss before. It was a delight. She had kissed so many guys before but that particular kiss was very different,in a special way. She bent down her head. She licked her lips before doing so. Her hands were playing with his ears. They were one inch away from their second kiss. Her heart was beating so fast that it almost exploded. What is this odd feeling,she asked. However, she stopped. She thought, if she wanted a real kiss from him, she should have asked for it. Beside, she's not the kind of person who snoop around and steal kisses. Instead, she called out his names few times but he didn't wake up. She tickled his ears but to no reply. Then she whispered something...

Molly: Wake up sleepy head or I'll kiss you!

Adam then realised it was no dream of his or neither it was a joke. He opened his eyes and was surprised they were inches away from touching each others' lips. So, he tried to get up but he forgot he was sleeping on a sofa bed and thus he fell from it. Molly laughed hard.

Molly: I tried to wake you up.

Adam: Well, intersting way you've got there.

He touched the back of his head. He could feel his head hurts. Molly gave out a hand to help him. He reached it and finally got up on his feet.

Molly: Yeah,I have my own style.

Adam: I can see that. Molly?

Molly: Yeah?

Adam: Don't ever do that, again. Never!

Molly: (she couldn't stop laughing). Okay.

Adam: Thank you.

Molly: Now come on down, let's have breakfast.

Molly went downstairs while Adam washed his face in the toilet. Somewhere in the chaos, he too laughed at himself. He sighed. How clumsy he could be. Then he went downstairs and found Molly helping Mrs.Spudinski serving the breakfast.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well good morning Adam.

Adam: Good morning.

Mrs.Spudinski: Have a seat. Molly's back there making you a pancake. It's delicious you know.

Adam: It is? Can't wait.

Mrs.Spudinski: Would you like tea or coffee?

Adam: Why don't I help you out? It makes me uncomfortable sitting around while you two serve me breakfast. I insist. Surely there must be something I can do.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well,if you say so. Tea and coffee is at the kitchen. You may help with that.

Adam: Thank you.

Adam went to the kitchen while Mrs.Spudinski prepares the table. He could see Molly was frying pancakes. Molly didn't realise of Adam being there.

Adam: Good morning!

Molly: Oh, I didn't see you there. Good morning. Did you get a good night sleep?

Adam: I was supposed to dream nice things but the sofa-bed comfortness wouldn't let me.

Molly: Sorry for that.

Adam: Nah,it's okay.

Through the kitchen's window, Adam saw a figure behind the bushes. He then made his way next to Molly and pretended to hug her. He only grabbed her in her waist. She was surprised.

Adam: Don't look now but I think someone might be spying on us.

Molly: (whispering) Really?

Molly looked out the window and saw the figure too. But she noticed there was a car back there and she recognised it. It was Cat's. She's one of Missie's slaves. So Molly turned around to face Adam.

Molly: Missie sent Cat to spy on us.

Adam: What should we do?

Molly looked at Adam with a mischievous look. He knew what to do. Molly then took the pancake and put it on plates. After that she returned to Adam's arms. She blinked an eye. Adam was nervous. All that time, they played 'The Happy Couple'. Molly fed the pancakes right down his throat. Adam took his handkerchief and cleaned the apple syrup off Molly's chin.

After breakfast, Molly sent Adam to his car. Cat was still spying on them. Once they've got to his car...

Adam: Do you think she will ever stop spying on us?

Molly: I'll take care of that. Come, lean over.

Adam leaned over and Molly kissed him on the cheek. Molly then wiped off his cheek with her fingers. She didn't want any trace of lipsticks stuck on his cheek. And he drove off. Molly wanted to get back at Missie so she gave her a call.

Molly: Your spy should have brought a video camera.

Missie: I don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile Cat was scared. Molly had known her whereabouts. Molly hung up on Missie and gave Cat a call. Of course Cat was smart enough not to switch off her handphone.

Molly: Hey Cat. I'll have you know, I won't charge you for breaking into my house and disturbing my privacy.

Cat: Well,Missie...

Molly: I know. Just get off my yard after I left.

Right after Molly's shadow went pass her door, Cat hurried to her car. She fell down a few time causing bruises and cuts. She was panicked she'd even hit the garbage can. And off she went. Molly called Adam to give him the good news.

Adam: Hey,so she left?

Molly: Yeah, you should have seen her.

Adam: (he laughs) Did we do good?

Molly: Good enough to cause Missie a misery.

Adam: The things I do for you. Well, gotta go. Bye.

Molly: Bye 'honey'! And don't forget your list!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Episode 8: FIrst Date

That Friday, Adam went to Molly's house. If they were to act as a couple, they have to comprimises on many things. He also had to come over because Molly told her friends that on that night she and Adam would be making love. He had to drove his Ferrari in front some of their schoolmates houses to ensure their act was real. He arrived with a dashing outfit which Jane made for him. He knocked the door and Mrs. Spudinski greeted him.

Mrs. Spudinski: Well hello Adam, come on in. Molly's upstairs. She's waiting for you up there.

Adam: Thank you.

Mrs.Spudinski: Oh, is that bouquet of roses for...?

Adam: It's for you. I know you like roses. You have a wonderful garden out there.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well,that's very thoughtful of you but I'm not Molly's mother.

Adam : I know that.

Mrs.Spudisnki: Oh,sorry. I'd never thought anyone would give me any flowers these days.

Adam: I will, if you want another time. Excuse me, I think I'll go upstairs now. You don' mind do you?

Mrs. Spudinski: Oh,not at all.

Adam reversed his steps back to ask her one most important question.

Adam: She is all dressed up right? No naked stuff?

Mrs. Spudinski shook her head. Adam was relieved. He climbed the stairs and went straight to Molly's room. The room that she had always painted beautifully. He hesistated about coming in so he knocked on the open door.

Molly: Come on in. You know you don't have to knock.

Adam: It's just a habit of mine. Are you ready to go?

Molly: Go where?

Adam was surprised with all the candles she had set up for that night. For their night.

Adam: I believe we have a date tonight.

Molly: Yes, and here it is.

Adam: In your room?

Molly: Why? It's not big enough to make love with you?

Adam blushes.

Adam: I mean, we are going out. And I am your date.

Molly: Yeah and we have to make people believe that we're going to seal the deal again tonight.

Adam had another idea. He planned it specially for this.

Adam: You want them to see us don't you? Well, let us go and I shall take you to a decent date, my style. And later after everyone have seen us, we can come back here and 'seal the deal' which is your style.

Molly: It'd better be awesome!

Adam: I promise! Now,shall we?

Molly grabbed her sweater on. She wore a nice yellow dress with a matching shoe!

Adam: May I say, you look lovely tonight.

Molly: Wow, we've got ourself a gentleman today I see.

Adam: Guys should treat girls right.

Molly: If that's the case then where is my flower? Is it the roses there?

Molly wasn't very fond of roses. She's more to Daisies. She looked dissapointed with the red roses now lay in the Egyptian vase that Mrs.Spudinski had arranged.

Adam: I'm afraid that's not your flowers. Its Mrs.Spudinski.

Molly: I don't expect any flowers anyway.

Molly looked rather dissapointing. She had hopes Adam would give her a flower. But underneath Adam's jacket, he brought out a yellow Daisy and presented it to her.

Molly: That's for me?

Adam: No, it's for my jacket's cologne. Of course it's for you.

Molly: I'm curious. Where are we heading to?

Adam: It's a surprise.


Adam drove to a picnic park. Of course before that he went downtown to make sure everybody at school saw them together, going out on a date. Molly was blindfolded. Since they stepped out of the car, he has been guiding her to their spot.

Adam took of the cloth that was covering Molly's eyes. Molly was excited to see the view. In front of her are a sheet that has been spread for them, tons of good foods and drinks, and also a blanket for them. They stood on top of a small hill with yellow Daisies besides them.

Adam: Do you like it?

Molly: Oh,I love it!

Adam: Well,I'm getting hungry. There's Laila from our school right over there, making out to Lewis.They'll spread the rumours.

Lewis also became popular at school coz he hung out with Adam.

Molly: It's very lovely. It's my first time ever.

Adam went up and serve the food. Molly helped too.

Adam: You mean, no one has ever brought you to a date before?

Molly: Well, my idea of a date is a motel. If that is what you call a date.

Adam: Then shall I say, it is an honour to be the first.

Soon after they have finished eating, a group of musicians came and played a song. Adam stood up and held out his hand to Molly.

Adam: Care to dance?

Molly: My pleasure!

She took his hand. They went to the center of the field and started dancing. Soon,the second song turned slower. So they went ahead and was dancing, heart-to-heart, body-to-body. Molly could feel Adam's body upon hers. It was warm and a comfort. For Adam, he's been getting the feeling of protecting her form cold,rumours and everything. Soon, their eyes were gazing into each others.

Adam: Your eyes sparkled more under the sky.

Molly: You know, I might fall for you.

She puts her arms around his neck by now.

Adam: Oh, is that such a bad thing?

They both smiled.

Molly: After the rumour's gone, we'd have to break up.

Adam: And why is that?

Molly: Because we're faking it?

Adam: I'll let you know that I have been honest from the moment I laid my eyes on you.

Molly: You're such a nerd!

Adam: Yeah,and that's why you're going out with me right now.

Molly: Uhuh,tha's why. Are you trying to win my heart tonight?

Adam: Not a chance.

Both of them knew it was a joke but deep down inside, they wished thye had a chance. They also wished they could stayed in each other's arm forever but soon the song ended. But they should move on to the next phase.

Adam: I have one last surprise.

Molly: There's more?

He took her to the parking lot and he gave her a helmet to wear.

Adam: We're going out for a ride. Hop on!

He started the engine and off they went! Molly sat behind him,holding him tight. Adam rode the Vespa across the town. And then it was Molly's turn to drive it. She had rode a Vespa before but that was a long time ago. She knows how to ride motorcycle. Only they know how much fun they were having that night. But then,it was time to seal the deal. They returned to Molly's house with the Vespa. Holding hands, they walked together to her room.

Molly: It has been a decent date! It was different but I think I like them.

Adam: So the next time you want to go on a date,make sure the guy take you out first?

Molly: Haha,very funny. Come on, it's getting late. I bet after we rode the Vespa along Missie's car, she would want to make sure we do this.

Adam: Okay. My style of a date has come to an end. Now, it's your turn.


Adam went into the bathroom while Molly prepared their beds. They would be sleeping in the same room but not in the same bed. It would go against Adam's moral. She took out some pillows and placed in on the bed-sofa in the corner of her room. Adam came out with only his white inner shirt on. He was very tired. Not because of the date but planning it. He then dived his head on the pillows. Molly already got her pyjamas on. They were ready to go to sleep.

Molly: Good night sweatheart!

Adam: Sweetheart?

Molly: Well,we need a nickname for each other and I'll use any names I like.

Adam: It's up to you. Good night too 'dear'.

Molly: Adam?

Adam: Hurm?

Adam was very sleepy at the moment.

Molly: You looked handsome tonight.

Adam: zzzz

He fell asleep before he could hear heer out. This makes Molly very fond of him. This is her fist time ever sleeping with a guy without really sleeping with him. And so, Molly switched off the light. Her heart was pumping so fast. A feeling of excited and happiness filed her hearing someone calling her 'dear'. It indicates she actually belongs to someone. She belonged to Adam.

Episode 7: The Ideal!

Adam: Hey sis!

Jane looked up and was delightful to see her brother. She thought he would never set foot here again. It's one of the places where he had swore not to return. Jane knew this must be something that the pretty girl with blonde hair had something to do with it. She got up and hugged her brother.

Jane: How wonderful to see you here! And you brought a friend.

Jane looked over at Molly with a joyful face.

Adam: This is my girlfriend,kinda. Her name is Molly.

Molly shyly held out her hand to be shook by Jane. But Jane instead went up ahead and hugged her.

Jane: Oh my! She is very pretty Adam. It's been months since you..

Adam: Old story,don't want to go there, nope!

Jane stopped realising it would make the situation awkward.

Jane: You're his girlfriend? Since when? Wait,come on and sit besides me.

They sat on the white sofa.

Jane: So, how did you get so unlucky with my weird brother here?

Adam: Well, it started..

Jane: Hush Adam. I'm asking Molly, not you. Why don't you go and grab me some coffee while we exchange stories?

Adam: Urm..

Molly: Make that two please.

Jane: Oh,I like you already!

Adam: Thanks Molly.

Adam went up and make his way to the door. He knew if he did not left the building, they wouldn't want to start talking. On his way, Molly gazed at him with such pitiful and yet happy look. She laughed at him. Jane laughed too.

Jane: So,what's the story? Did he involved you in some kind of trouble?

Molly: Oh,no. He's a nice guy. Infact, I was the one who dragged him into this relationship.

Jane: Well, it's 4 in the evening. The Fast Coffee House would be loaded with people so we've got all the time we need until he comes back.

Molly: Okay, it goes like this...

Molly told Jane what had happened to them these past few days. How they met, how they got into this mess in the first place.


Adam had to wait about half an hour to get orders. Sue was working there at the time. She entertained him while he's waiting for his coffees.

Susan: So..I see you're with the Head Cheer Leader,huh?

Adam: Kinda.. Wait! How did you know exactly?

Susan: That's easy. i saw the recordings of your kissing scene.

Adam: It's out already?

Susan: Yeah,all thanks to technology.

Adam: I'm so very grateful to technology right now.

Susan: Yeah,is that why you're destroying your cell right now?

Adam: What?

Adam was hitting his phone very hard. Soon. people are going to find out about his secrets. It's just a matter of time before they find him.

Susan: Don't worry.

Adam: And why shouldn't I?

Susan: She likes you.

Adam: Yeah,I can tell.

Susan: NO. She REALLY,REALLY ,REALLY likes you!

Adam: Uhuh.

Susan: Just see how she looks at you. And the fact that she's in your sister's boutique right now.

Staff: Adam! Your beverages are done!

Adam: Well,I must get going. Wish me luck!

Susan: You have already find your luck.

The Fast Coffee Shop was 5 minutes away from where he had left Jane and Molly to themselves. He wondered what they were talking about. He hoped it wouldn't be too bad. When he arrives, they have already starting to get to work.

Adam: I'm back! In case anyone forgot.

Jane: Oh,how silly! Of course we didn't forget about you. Thanks dear for the coffee. Molly, grab your drink too.

Molly: I am.

Molly came into the room with colour inks covering her soft fingers. Jane went back to the Gallery to finish her work.

Adam: So, how was it?

Molly: You're right! Your sister is nice. We've already got a project to work on. See you soon!

Adam was left with the cupholders. He was left alone. He chuckled.

Jane: Sit down and relax. We'll get back to you in a minute.

Adam: Okay.

Adam checked out other pieces that belongs to Jane. He looked into it and made a comment on each and every pieces of it. It has been a long time since he helped his sis out. A few minutes gone by when he realised something.On the corner of the room lies a big white piano. Adam's attention was to that. It was the piano he used to play with his parents. He reached it and sat down on the black small chair. His fingers were luring on all the keys. Jane and Molly came in front when he was starting to play. Both of them thought it was the most beautiful melodies ever. Adam carefully arranged each note with pleasure. He remembers what his mother used to say, "Remember, you're not playing the piano. You're playing with it." Jane asked Molly to go the Gallery.

Jane: It has been a while since Adam played that piano.

Molly: Really? Why did he stop?

Jane: I'm not quite sure. But that's why you're here. To get him back on his feet.

Molly: Me? Why I couldn't possibly...

Jane: I've never seen him happier since the last day he withdraw himself from East High School. It appears to me that you have helped him so I thank you.

Molly: Really?

Jane: Yeah, he must really like you.

Molly: Why is that?

Jane: He had never brought a girl to meet me before.

Molly: No, it couldn't be...

Jane: Yes he is. The fact that he's playing the piano right now, he is into you. Soon enough he's going to sing. And you'll help him to get back to that. And maybe with basketball too.

Molly: I'll try. Thank you.

Jane: His idea of bringing you here is very ideal! And you both make such an ideal couple!

Molly went into the room to watch Adam again. She smiled thinking about what Jane had said. There's just something about him though. Something about his blue gorgeous eyes that makes her want to look into it forever. His short and neat hair makes her wants to reach out and brush it. His red lips seemed so tempting right now. Molly could feel the yearning to kiss him. There's something about him that makes her want to be there for him. Not just to make love with him but to really love him. To her eyes, he seemed to be gasping for help. And Moly has decided to reach out his arm and pull him up. She has decided to get him back on his feet. The thought of being an ideal couple makes Molly jumping from her feet. He stopped playing and looked at her with a broad smile.

Episode 6: Secret Teller

Adam: And that is how it is for the time being. So,did I bore you enough?

Molly: Maybe. I stopped at 'here it goes...'.

Adam: (smiles) I did warn you.

Molly: Aha! Why I haven't seen that face for all the time you were at school?

Adam: What do you mean? Were you spying on me?

Molly: Spying? No! It was just...

Adam: Just what?

Molly: Come inside and I'll tell you.

Adam: You mean,in your house? Err,I don't think that is such a great idea.

Molly: Come on! It's not like I'm asking you to sleep with me. If I wanted to do that,I would have asked you in the nights. I wouldn't want to get busted. Plus,I wouldn't want to do it here. I'd rather do it the Inner Six Motel.

Adam: Wow. You know a lot of stuff.

Molly: Yeah, I have been sleeping around with some hot guys all these past years. Don't you know it?

Adam: I heard some stories about it but I didn't think it was all true.

Molly: So you don't think I'm a whore?

Adam: Not that I can think of.

Molly: You really are one of a kind! You're not like the others. Is it because of your history?

Adam: No, it's more like a moral of mine.

Molly: Ouh, so you're a goody two-shoes huh?

Adam: Not exactly.

Molly: Then what's keeping you?

Adam: Okay,but just to talk.

Molly: Don't worry, I won't kiss!


Molly went in front of the gate and greeted the security guard. When the gate opens, she pulled Adam inside. She actually dragged him all the way to her room. But Adam stomped the floor to make a stop.

Adam: Whoa! Is this your room?

Molly: Why,yes indeed!

Adam: Then I'm out!

Adam was about to open his steps but Molly pulled his hands so rough that fell down the room with pain in his butt.

Adam: Ow! That was very decent of you.

Molly: Why you have to run? I've already told you it's not my intention to make love with you.

Adam: Well..

Molly: Let me guess, it's another moral of yours?

Adam: Yeah!

She hold out her hand for him to reach. One he got on his foot, he was awed with the scenery.

Adam: Why, you have such...

Molly: I know! This is why I want you to come in. You love sceneries right?

Adam: How do you?

Molly: Remember the rooftop? Normal kids wouldn't just go there and do nothing.

Adam: (sighs) You're right. But,this is really beautiful! Did you make it yourself?

Molly: Well, my father hired the best architect in the city to build this room especially for me. I did all the paintings with my mum.

Adam went around mesmerizing the view he had seen. The wall of Molly's room was covered with paintings of blue skies, green grass, shimmering waters and some animals too. It was amazing. It looked almost real. He touches the walls and started to imagine himself in that exotic place. He had always imagined to escape to a place like Molly's paintings. To her surprise, Adam was acting like what she had been doing all this long. She would too touch the wall and just be absorbed into the paintings. She didn't think anyone in this world might just do the same.

Molly: Do you like it?

Adam: You certainly got good taste! May I ask? How did you come up with this painting?

Molly: It wasn't hard. When I go to sleep, I'd imagine myself go to this world. Yes, to this painting world. It was sooo beautiful that I can't forget it. Even if I close my eyes right now, the image would just reflect in the dark.

Adam: This must be very special to you. So..why are you showing this to me?

Molly: To tell you the truth, I've got no past of secrets and so to be even with your very fascinating story, I am sharing with you my world.

Adam: Whoa! This is just..brilliant! It's nothing like I've seen before.

Molly: Yes, my mum was the one who taught me how to draw things since I was three.

Adam: Hey! Wait a minute! You'd be perfect!

Molly: Perfect? Erm.. People call me hot but I don't think I'm perfect.

Adam: No,no. I mean, there's a runway coming up by the end of this month. The theme for this season is nature. And what better person to inspire all of this other than you to my sister?

Molly: Are you nuts? This is just a regular painting.

Adam: No,it's not! It's amazing and delicate, just like the work of my sister's designs. Please, you've got to help her out. She's at dead end!

Molly: Well, I'm sure your sister can afford someone who is actually talented.

Adam: Yes, she can and yes you are! This is talent. My sister just fired one of her asistants for trying to well.. do something immoral to me. And she's out of hands. Please! I'll do anything for you in return!

Molly: Well..I'm not sure Jane Lechrin wants someone like me.

Adam: Are you kidding me? You happened to be the Headcheer Leader in our school. You have guts,oh I've seen. You've got talent and that's all you need.

Molly: I don't know.

Adam: Well, come on let's go!

Molly: Where to?

Adam: Do you trust me?

Molly: Well, yes.

Adam took out his cell and made a phone call to his driver. 5 minutes later, a Ferrari showed up in front of Molly's house,honking for both of them. He took her hands and guided her all the way to the car.

Driver: Where to Sir?

Adam: To my sister's boutique please. Thank you Uncle Morty.

Driver: Anytime kiddo! And is she a friend of yours?

Adam: She's kinda my girlfriend right now.

Molly: Hi! I'm Molly. Nice to meet you.

Driver: What a nice young lady. Naice to meet you too, I'm the Driver. His driver.

Adam: You can call him Uncle Morty if you like.

Then the Ferrari went off. It took them about 10 minutes more to reach to Jane's boutique.

Driver: We're here!

Adam: Thanks Uncle Morty! Let's go Molly.

Molly: Adam, I'm not so sure about this. What if your sister doesn't like me?

Adam: We talked in the car right? It's going to be okay. I'll tell her the whole story and then we'll see what she has to say.

Moly: But..

Adam: Hey,I'm here right? Lets!

Together they walked into the luxurious boutique of Jane's. Jane was sitting in her elegant white sofa doing her sketching when they both stood in front of her.

Episode 5: The Kiss

Yesterday was the day Molly came to Adam about her 'proposal'. Adam think hard about this one. A lot of questions are in his mind right now. Does he want another relationship eventhough it is a fake one? If he does not do as what Molly has suggested, will he be able to stay in the school and live a normal teenager life like he imagined it would be? If not, it would be waste of energy and time of his. He has worked hard to get here. It was not easy to left all of his belongings back at his previous school. He sacrificed great enough to let the secret out. Everyone has been giving him that look of disbelief at school. The rumours must have spread all over the school. Then one most important question popped out of his head out of the blue. He wouldn't have to face all of this if he hadn't encounter Molly that night. He asked himself whether he regretted saving Molly out of trouble. Somehow, the answer was a big NO NO. He smiled to it. Then Lewis and Sam, two of his Nerd buddies came.

Lewis: What are you smiling at,bro?

Adam: Oh,nothing.

Sam: I bet he heard the news.

Lewis: So, is it true that you are sleeping with her, man?

Sam: That'd totally be cool!

Adam: NO! I did not sleep with her. Ignore all of it. It isn't true.

Lewis: So, how about the part that you got kicked out of your previous school?

Adam: That too is a bull.

Sam: How can we believe you? I mean after all you never did tell us anything about you. You've kept yourself hidden from all of us.

Lewis: Yeah. That is sooo true!

Adam: Then let me tell you one thing, I did not sleep with Molly!

Sam: You sure? Coz all of the school have been asking about you.

Lewis: Even Brad the Football Captain are looking for you,that's what I heard.

Adam: What?

Sam: Yeah, but the weird thing is that all of the girls have been asking about you.

Lewis: Don't worry, we're not mad at you for stealing our 'fans'.

Adam: How nice of you... I think?

Sam: We got your back.

Lewis: Yeah man,no sweat!

They were walking towards Adam's locker when Missie and her troops(Molly's friends) stopped by.

Missie: Hey Adam.

Adam: Do I know you?

Missie: Haha.. You're so funny!

Missie's hands were all over his body. He then pushed it away.

Lewis: Yeah, he's a funny dude! By the way, I'm Lewis and this is Sam. We're fans of...

Missie: Whatev Nerds! I don't talk to Nerds except to tell them I don't talk to them.

Adam: Ha! Since I'm one of the Nerds, so you're not talking to me too? Ok, bye-bye.

Missie: Wait! You hang out with them? You're TOTALLY not one of them!

Lewis: (whispering) Don't worry, we've got your back!

Sam: NO! We're not his friends, we're his servants. And we'd be happy to be one for you girls too.

Adam: Thanks guys but we are friends. Besides if friends is defined as hanging out together at the Arcade, study together and be best buddies, then I am defenitely your friend! Not hers. Sorry but I don't belong in your world. I don't fit in, remember? I'm a NERD!

Adam then went to the center of the Hall and screamed for attention.

Adam: Hey everyone! My name is Adam and I'm a Nerd!

Missie: That's cute of you. Oh, I've never met such brave man.

Adam: What? Are you sick or something?

Missie: I 'know' all about you. Your teams back in East High School, you're a legend there. Soon enough girls from all over the state would come to chase after you. But before they do, I'll get to you first.

Adam: (laughs) I don' know what you're talking about. I'm a NERD, remember that?

Missie: Not anymore when you're my boyfriend! Now let us have our first kiss to make it official!

Missie grabbed his white shirt by surprise but then a hand stopped her. It was Molly's.

Molly: Missie, haven't you heard of the rumour? He's my guy. I'm the Head Cheerleader so back off!

Missie: But I'm here first!

Molly: Well, I slept with him first! So that makes him mine!

Adam's eyes grew large. He looks at his buddies. They were amazed and so was everyone. It seems everyone has stopped talking to focus on them.

Adam: What? No! No! Gosh no! I didn't,we didn't..I mean..

Molly: He's shy about it so that's why he didn't want to admit it.

It was going crazy. Adam couldn't find a way out.

Missie: You're lying! If it so,then prove it!

Molly: Alright we will!

Adam: We will?

Molly took his hands and pushed him to his lockers. She then blinked one eye as she was about to kiss him,in the lips.

Adam: What are you doing?

Molly: Choose; Me or Missie!

Adam: Erm..

Adam looked down his shoes to seek and answer. He didn't want to choose either. He was so nervous coz his covers was revealed. Plus, feeling the heat from Molly's body making him confuse. Making him to desire her pink lips so much more.

Missie: I thought so!

Both of them looked at Missie. They didn't want this but losing to Missie is even way worse! Adam smiled and this makes Molly to smile too. He grabbed Molly's arms and twisted their body making them body half bent. She was holding on to him, trusting he won't let her fall.

Adam: Give it your best shot. We have to sell it to those people.

And they kissed. Passionately. With tongues. All the crowds went crazy. Missie was so shocked due to her disbelief. Molly was surprised on how a great kisser Adam was. Missie knew this too. Both Molly and her had experience on kissing a lot of guys so they can tell which one is bad or totally good. She envied this. She left the spot. But her troops didn't follow her. They stayed loyal to Molly. Then Molly and Adam got back on their feet.

Molly: Wow!

Adam: What?

Molly: You really are my boyfriend now.

Adam was shy but then the schoolbell rang. And everyone dismissed. They all congratulated them. The rumour is going to spread soon. Adam grabbed a few things in his lockers and then took Molly's hand. They had to get out of there. They needed to talk.

And finally, they were out of the school yard. They were still holding hands. They had to, if they want to sell the story.

Adam: That was messy.

Molly: Yeah. I'm so sorry. I had no idea Missie was going to attack you.

Adam: No,it's okay.It wasn't your fault. Anyway, how did she know?

Molly: Know what? About your previous life?

Adam: You knew the whole time?

She nodded.

Adam: Haha. Then why didn't you say anything?

Molly: It was rumours and I don't totally believe it. Beside, I want to hear your version of the story,I mean, if you want to tell me.

Adam: (sighs) It's a long story.

Molly: And it's a long journey back home.

Adam: Are you sure? It'd be boring!

Molly: Yes. Believe or not, I am interested.

Adam: Well, okay. It goes like this...

All the way back home Adam told his history at her. Somehow, he believed her. He didn't know where the trust came from. He didn't even tell this to his buddies, Lewis and Sam. And before they knew it, they have reached Molly's gate.