Monday, November 9, 2009

Episode 8: FIrst Date

That Friday, Adam went to Molly's house. If they were to act as a couple, they have to comprimises on many things. He also had to come over because Molly told her friends that on that night she and Adam would be making love. He had to drove his Ferrari in front some of their schoolmates houses to ensure their act was real. He arrived with a dashing outfit which Jane made for him. He knocked the door and Mrs. Spudinski greeted him.

Mrs. Spudinski: Well hello Adam, come on in. Molly's upstairs. She's waiting for you up there.

Adam: Thank you.

Mrs.Spudinski: Oh, is that bouquet of roses for...?

Adam: It's for you. I know you like roses. You have a wonderful garden out there.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well,that's very thoughtful of you but I'm not Molly's mother.

Adam : I know that.

Mrs.Spudisnki: Oh,sorry. I'd never thought anyone would give me any flowers these days.

Adam: I will, if you want another time. Excuse me, I think I'll go upstairs now. You don' mind do you?

Mrs. Spudinski: Oh,not at all.

Adam reversed his steps back to ask her one most important question.

Adam: She is all dressed up right? No naked stuff?

Mrs. Spudinski shook her head. Adam was relieved. He climbed the stairs and went straight to Molly's room. The room that she had always painted beautifully. He hesistated about coming in so he knocked on the open door.

Molly: Come on in. You know you don't have to knock.

Adam: It's just a habit of mine. Are you ready to go?

Molly: Go where?

Adam was surprised with all the candles she had set up for that night. For their night.

Adam: I believe we have a date tonight.

Molly: Yes, and here it is.

Adam: In your room?

Molly: Why? It's not big enough to make love with you?

Adam blushes.

Adam: I mean, we are going out. And I am your date.

Molly: Yeah and we have to make people believe that we're going to seal the deal again tonight.

Adam had another idea. He planned it specially for this.

Adam: You want them to see us don't you? Well, let us go and I shall take you to a decent date, my style. And later after everyone have seen us, we can come back here and 'seal the deal' which is your style.

Molly: It'd better be awesome!

Adam: I promise! Now,shall we?

Molly grabbed her sweater on. She wore a nice yellow dress with a matching shoe!

Adam: May I say, you look lovely tonight.

Molly: Wow, we've got ourself a gentleman today I see.

Adam: Guys should treat girls right.

Molly: If that's the case then where is my flower? Is it the roses there?

Molly wasn't very fond of roses. She's more to Daisies. She looked dissapointed with the red roses now lay in the Egyptian vase that Mrs.Spudinski had arranged.

Adam: I'm afraid that's not your flowers. Its Mrs.Spudinski.

Molly: I don't expect any flowers anyway.

Molly looked rather dissapointing. She had hopes Adam would give her a flower. But underneath Adam's jacket, he brought out a yellow Daisy and presented it to her.

Molly: That's for me?

Adam: No, it's for my jacket's cologne. Of course it's for you.

Molly: I'm curious. Where are we heading to?

Adam: It's a surprise.


Adam drove to a picnic park. Of course before that he went downtown to make sure everybody at school saw them together, going out on a date. Molly was blindfolded. Since they stepped out of the car, he has been guiding her to their spot.

Adam took of the cloth that was covering Molly's eyes. Molly was excited to see the view. In front of her are a sheet that has been spread for them, tons of good foods and drinks, and also a blanket for them. They stood on top of a small hill with yellow Daisies besides them.

Adam: Do you like it?

Molly: Oh,I love it!

Adam: Well,I'm getting hungry. There's Laila from our school right over there, making out to Lewis.They'll spread the rumours.

Lewis also became popular at school coz he hung out with Adam.

Molly: It's very lovely. It's my first time ever.

Adam went up and serve the food. Molly helped too.

Adam: You mean, no one has ever brought you to a date before?

Molly: Well, my idea of a date is a motel. If that is what you call a date.

Adam: Then shall I say, it is an honour to be the first.

Soon after they have finished eating, a group of musicians came and played a song. Adam stood up and held out his hand to Molly.

Adam: Care to dance?

Molly: My pleasure!

She took his hand. They went to the center of the field and started dancing. Soon,the second song turned slower. So they went ahead and was dancing, heart-to-heart, body-to-body. Molly could feel Adam's body upon hers. It was warm and a comfort. For Adam, he's been getting the feeling of protecting her form cold,rumours and everything. Soon, their eyes were gazing into each others.

Adam: Your eyes sparkled more under the sky.

Molly: You know, I might fall for you.

She puts her arms around his neck by now.

Adam: Oh, is that such a bad thing?

They both smiled.

Molly: After the rumour's gone, we'd have to break up.

Adam: And why is that?

Molly: Because we're faking it?

Adam: I'll let you know that I have been honest from the moment I laid my eyes on you.

Molly: You're such a nerd!

Adam: Yeah,and that's why you're going out with me right now.

Molly: Uhuh,tha's why. Are you trying to win my heart tonight?

Adam: Not a chance.

Both of them knew it was a joke but deep down inside, they wished thye had a chance. They also wished they could stayed in each other's arm forever but soon the song ended. But they should move on to the next phase.

Adam: I have one last surprise.

Molly: There's more?

He took her to the parking lot and he gave her a helmet to wear.

Adam: We're going out for a ride. Hop on!

He started the engine and off they went! Molly sat behind him,holding him tight. Adam rode the Vespa across the town. And then it was Molly's turn to drive it. She had rode a Vespa before but that was a long time ago. She knows how to ride motorcycle. Only they know how much fun they were having that night. But then,it was time to seal the deal. They returned to Molly's house with the Vespa. Holding hands, they walked together to her room.

Molly: It has been a decent date! It was different but I think I like them.

Adam: So the next time you want to go on a date,make sure the guy take you out first?

Molly: Haha,very funny. Come on, it's getting late. I bet after we rode the Vespa along Missie's car, she would want to make sure we do this.

Adam: Okay. My style of a date has come to an end. Now, it's your turn.


Adam went into the bathroom while Molly prepared their beds. They would be sleeping in the same room but not in the same bed. It would go against Adam's moral. She took out some pillows and placed in on the bed-sofa in the corner of her room. Adam came out with only his white inner shirt on. He was very tired. Not because of the date but planning it. He then dived his head on the pillows. Molly already got her pyjamas on. They were ready to go to sleep.

Molly: Good night sweatheart!

Adam: Sweetheart?

Molly: Well,we need a nickname for each other and I'll use any names I like.

Adam: It's up to you. Good night too 'dear'.

Molly: Adam?

Adam: Hurm?

Adam was very sleepy at the moment.

Molly: You looked handsome tonight.

Adam: zzzz

He fell asleep before he could hear heer out. This makes Molly very fond of him. This is her fist time ever sleeping with a guy without really sleeping with him. And so, Molly switched off the light. Her heart was pumping so fast. A feeling of excited and happiness filed her hearing someone calling her 'dear'. It indicates she actually belongs to someone. She belonged to Adam.

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