Friday, November 13, 2009

Episode 12: The Closet

He was falling. Into the deep dark tunnel with no end. He screamed but no one hears. He was about to give up when a hand reached out to him He took it. And...

He woke up. He finds himself neatly tucked into the bed. It has been a long time since he's in that spot. His lovely mother used to do that to him. She used to spoil him too much like he was an only child. Jane didn't mind that because she's was too old for that kind of stuff.

Adam felt like someone was holding on to him so dearly. What's this warm feeling, he asked. On his right hand was another hand. That hand of course didn't belong to him. It is such a gentle one. So soft and comforting. He looked for the owner and found her lying next to him. She was looking at him with her eyes closed. An angel, he thought. Wearing a white night gown, with such tenderness. This must be the owner of the hand of his saviour in his dream earlier. He looked at her dearly. Whne he stumbled upon that familiar face, he screamed. And out of fright, he fell down the bed. The angel that was looking after him woke in surprise out of the scream.

Molly: What?

Adam was in pain. Again,it's his face that paid the price. He rubbed it to make the pain go away. He looked at her in wonder.

Adam: What am I... what am I doing here?

Molly was still sleepy brushed her eyes to gain consciousness.

Molly: I don't know. Last night I found you were sleeping outside my house.

Adam: Really?

He tried to remember. Then it all came back to him. His grandparents cancelled their dinner, he met his ex, Emma, and he was too tired to drive. But what he didn't remember was Molly looking after him until late night. She ensures his body temperature didn't go any higher and kept him warm. She slept somewhere in the middle of that. After a few second, Molly crawled until the other side of the bed and got off the bed. Adam was in terror. He was speechless. His heart was beating faster every step she's getting closer. But all of that was erased when she puts her hand on his forehead, checking his body temperature.

Molly: You're getting better. The fever must have cooled down this morning.

Molly then took off her hand. She then realised the face he was shaping right now. She knew he must have thought she had other intentions upon him. She teased him..

Molly: You didn't think I'd wanted to do something else to you, do you?

Adam: Well, I'm in your room wearing only my inner shirt and my boxer while you're in your sexy white night gown, leaning your body towards mine. How do you think that makes me feel?

Molly: Seduced? Wait! You think I look sexy in this?

He blushed. She wanted to take advantage of this. So she went again and leaned forward her body towards his. She gazed into his eyes, into that blue eyes. She lifted her eyebrows. She puts on a dirty smile. And the distance between their faces were getting closer by the second. Adam leaned backward to avoid her. Making it more fun for her to tease him. He didn't have anywhere else to escape as his body already landed on the floor. She was getting too close to avoid. He then scolded himself for not making a rule for this. He didn't know what to do. A part of him wanted to join her but the other wanted to escape. He then closed his eyes. His face was so funny that it made Molly burst into laughters. Even her elbows got stripped that she loses control. Gravity pulled her to him. But her hands were strong enough to stop the velocity of her body. And she said...

Molly: Boo!

Adam opened his eyes once he heard the laughters. He was a little bit mad but he was okay.

Adam: Oh, you think that was funny?

Molly: Yeah, I...could not stop laughing.

She laughed all the way to her bathroom. She opened the door to tell him...

Molly: Hey, give Jane a call. She must be worried. And, we can still make it to school. Of course the school guard would be at the gate but I can make him to be nice.

Adam: No, thanks. I don't think I want to go to school today.

They were having conversation with Adam in her bedroom and Molly in her bathroom.

Molly: Why not?

Adam: I just.. don't feel like it.

Molly: Okay.

Somehow she understood. She knew it must had something to do with the reason Adam is in her room right now.

Adam: Just, okay? You're not mad?

Molly: Please,who am I to scold you for not going to school? I do that all the time.

Adam: Oh,yeah. Forgot! But wait, why aren't you all these while?

Molly: Oh, it's becuase it'd be weird for my guy to be at school while I'm not and Missie would take advantage out of it. Anyway, there's a fresh new clothes for you in the closet. Go and wear them.

It was odd. As far as Adam know, he didn't left his clothes here before. He opened her huge closet and found out there are four section of the room. three of them belonged to Molly (there's a sign saying 'Molly's'). The other section was labelled with his name on it. He was surprised.

Adam: Hey Molly.

Molly: About the closet?

She came out with her bathrobe on. She was brushing her tooth.

Adam: Uhuh.

Molly: Well, since you'll be crashing here from time to time, I thought I'd buy you some clothes on for situation like this.

Adam: Oh.. Wow! Amazing.

Molly: Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl gotta do. Ouh, before I forgot, when you're free, please come by and put a few of your clothes here. It'd make Missie goes crazy.

Adam: You're wicked!

Molly: I know. Okay,come in here, I want to show you something!

She grabbed Adam by the arm and led him into her bathroom.

Adam: And this too?

She continued to brush her teeth.

Molly: Yeah, here, take your towel.

She passed him a nice white towel which she kept only for him to use.

Adam: Nice! I've gotta do this too at my apartment!

Molly spits out. She looked at him.

Molly: Shut up! You own an apartment? All by yourself?

Adam: Well,yeah.

Molly: No! Wait, you have an apartment and you didn't tell me?

Adam: I thought you didn't want to know...

Molly: Adam! I am so furious at you right now. You know we don't keep secrets! I mean, what am I going to say if I surprisedly found out from Missie that you own an apartment?

Adam: Well,I err...

Molly: No, no! Don't talk to me! I am so mad at you right now!

She pushed him away. He had no choice. He didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Adam: Molly?

Molly still refused to talk to him. To make her listen, he grabbed her by hand. He gazed into her eyes for honesty.

Adam: I didn't tell you this before because.. it has been a long time since I've been to the apartment. Truth be told, I didn't even want to remember about it until now.

Molly was listening.

Adam: You see, before my parents, you know, died, I did something terrible. I said I wanted to move out of the house to be independent. But my parents disapproved. I did it anyway and at the night I was supposed to be in my room, at the night that my parents died, I wasn't there for them.

Adam's face was getting worse. He was about to broke down but Molly placed her hands on his face to make him calm. She shook her hand, indicating he didn't have to say anything more.

Adam: No,let me finish. And, when I think of you and your closet earlier, it reminded me of my apartment down the Spring Lane. Even I was shocked that I still remember that place.

Molly: Hush, hush. It's okay. I'm sorry.

Adam: No, I'm sorry. You're right, if anyone at our school found out about it before you do, I bet that would hurt. So, I'm sorry. No more secrets after this. I promise.

Molly hugged him instead. She smiled thinking that he had opened his heart, little by little to her.

1 comment:

  1. turis..

    u r really damn talented!!

    seriously girl!!

    just so u know,dis is my 1st english novel i've ever read!!

    slame ni,aku xske bce bku english coz aku xkn phm jln cter die..

    tp,yr novel gne ayt y simple,aku fhm n jln cter mmg SUPERB!!

    can't wait 4 d next chapter..

    i'll keep on waiting..

    keep it up!!

    yr very good!!

