Sunday, November 8, 2009

Episode 4: A Stranger Like No Other

They were 10 steps away from Molly's gate. Adam could see it was a lovely home. It has a small garden in the front yard and the house was painted with an elegant white colour. It's an exclusive house he thought. While Adam was enjoying the view of Molly's house, she was quite dissapointed. The long journey to her home is about to end. She didn't want to let go of his hand. But Adam felt it was appropriate to let go of his hand as it wasn't any cold anymore and they have reached their destination.

Adam: Okay, we're here. I think?

Molly: Yeah, it's my home alright.

Adam: It's getting late. Your parents must be worried.

Molly: Guess so.

Adam: So.. We just depart from here on shall we?

Molly: It's Adam right?

Adam: Erm.. yeah.

Molly: Adam,thank you. I'll never forget this.

Adam: No sweat. Anyway, I hope you won't go around that place anymore.

Molly: Yeah, I learned my lesson. By the way, aren't you curious?

Adam: Everyone would be if they were in my shoes but it's none of my business if you don't want to spill.

Molly: (speechless) ...

Adam: So, it's good night then. Take care.

Molly: You too.

Molly hesistated on returning home but there's no place else she could go. She didn't want to face her parents. But luckily they were asleep and were too busy to notice her. As she walked to her front door, Mrs. Spudinski, whom is her maid, greeted her. Molly smiled.

Mrs. Spudinski: Well that was a very nice young man. He's not like the others. He must be that special huh?

Molly: What? Don't say things that don't make sense. Besides, I just met him.

Mrs. Spudinski: Well yeah,I'm sure he is.

Molly was smiling to her ears then. Mrs. Spudinski advised her to take a bath and then go straight to bed so that her parents won't make a fuss out of it.


After her bath, Molly climbed in her bed.She kept thinking about Adam. He seems so familiar but she still can't figure out where she knows him. She kept thinking about him until she went to sleep. Even in her dreams, his face appears.


Last night was awkward for Adam. He had never encounter to such circumstances before in his life. He need to be extra careful for Molly might recognise him if they were to accidentally bumped into each other. So during lunch, Adam sneeks into the back door of the school and went to the rooftop. It's his favourite place to hang out, to think about things. What he didn't realise was Molly saw him and followed him around. Then she greeted him.

Molly: Hey!

Adam turned around facing Molly. He didn't think anyone would want to be here especially girls like Molly. He pretended to not know her.

Adam: Hello.

Molly: It's Adam,right?

Adam was surprised. He thought she would never recognise him.

Adam: You knew?

Molly: (laughs) . Of course I know! Who could ever forget those blue eyes of yours? You might change your appearance but you can never change your eyes. If you want to hide you should have worn eye contacts.

Adam: (sighs)

Molly: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Adam: Really?

Molly: Cross my heart.

Adam: Well, okay then. I won't say anything too. You know, about last night. I'd even forget it, if that's why you're here.

Molly: To what? Ouh, you really are smooth! Unlike last night.

Adam: What about last night?

Molly: Erm.. Nothing. (she blushes thinking about they both helding hands last night)

Adam: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.

Molly: It's okay. I get that, A LOT.

Adam: What do you mean? I mean, that is if you want to talk about it. I won't force you.

She smiles and walked right to him and sat beside him. She joined him watching the clouds.

Molly: The guys I date always say things like that after, you know.

Adam: I get the picture. Well, if this makes you feel better, I have no intention or what so ever on the idea of climbing into beds with you.

Molly: (she laughs so hard that she snored like a pig). I'm sorry.

Adam: (he chuckles). That was cute.

Molly: Yeah right! Anyway, you know, people are going to find out about last night. It's just a matter of time.

Adam: Really? Oh shoot! There goes all of my efforts.

Molly: What? Hiding yourself behind these masks? Yeah, you're really good with that!

Adam: Is it so obvious?

Molly: Well, unlikely. But to me,it's the other way around. We're gonna have to do something before..

Adam: Before what?

Molly: Before things got messier.

Adam: Is there a way out?

Molly: There's only one. You have to live up to your words. You have to be my boyfriend now.

Adam: What? Seriously?

Molly: Uhuh.

Adam: When should we do it? I'm just asking by the way.

Molly: Uhuh. I think we should start now.

Adam: And if we don't?

Molly: Have you ever encounter my ex, Brad? Well,soon enough you're going to face him. He's friends with those two guys from last night.

Adam: You mean Brad who played football? Great!

Molly: Not only that, you also have to face the whole school. Look, you're just a rookie here but I know everything there is to know about this place. People aren't going to be happy to find out we're 'dating'. It's against all the 'rules' here. You might suffer badly that you would want to quit.

Adam: Wow, that's a relief! When do I have to give you the answer?

Molly: By tomorrow night. Give me a call okay. Don't think,just do. If you want to stay here longer peacefully, then you'd do what I say. Oh, and here is my number.

Molly handed him a piece of paper. She wrote down her number there.

Adam: I'll think about it.

Molly: I should get going. Brad would be looking for me, that is if he's not 'busy' with other girls.

Adam: Haha.. Got some business to settle?

Molly: You heard about that? Oh, that's embarassing.

Adam: Nah, it's nothing compare to Shorty's face last night. Haha.

Molly: (she laughs) yeah, good times! Okay, don't forget to ring me, anytime.

Adam: I'll try to remember that. Besides, this is nothing. It's just my future at stakes.

Molly: You and your sarcasms.. See you soon!

Molly got up and walked away. But then she stopped and returned back. Adam was blank at that time. And she kissed him. She kissed him on the cheek.

Molly: It's for last night. Thanks!

Adam: Yeah,don't mention it.

He too was blushing. He was left alone with the sky. He's thinking about what Molly said. They were supposed to be strangers but know she knew. She knew about his world, well she is going to. His thought was lost then when suddenly the image of the kissing scene took place in his head.


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