Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Episode 3: My hero!

Adam was tying his shoes when his older sister,Jane got back home. The gap between their ages are about 5 years but they were close-knit. Jane is in the Fashion Business. She's a fashion designer. Since they were little, Adam used to help out his sister in designing her clothes. Yeah, she started to wear her pieces since she knew how to sew. It's in their genes. That's why Adam's clothes were alwasy so neat and stylish.

Jane: Where are you going?

Adam: To jog around.

Jane: Got your handphone?


Jane: Becareful.

Adam: Sure will!

The fresh air sure did help him. He kept thinking about the girl he saw at the cafe yesterday. Her brownish beautiful long hair, her pink cheek and her red lips. There were something about her that makes her unique. Other guys may find her as another regular girl but to Adam, she was special. And he regretted for not taking his chance back then. From the beginning of the jog he could not stop thinking about her. If only he had taken his chance yesterday, they would probably be on a date right now. But, what has passed is past. He has got to move on. Though, he secretly hoped he would meet her again. However, this thought of his didn't last long when he turned to the corner of Maple Street. He heard something unusual. Like a girl calling for help. The street was empty and so no one was there. It was the place where he used to play balls with his friends. It was HIS court. And so, he went to the court which he swore not to go there again. There, he saw something that is going to change his life forever. There stood three figures. Two of them were guys that used to be his rival on the court, Shorty and Big. The other one just caught his attention, unfortunately. The girl is his classmate. Fortunately, she didn't recognise him.

Adam: Is there a problem here?

Shorty: No, there's not a prob.. Wait, wait just a minute! You're HIM!

Big: Who?

Shorty: You fool! Take another look! It's Adam!

Adam: Ah. I see you are disturbing girls again?

Shorty: Look, we don't wanna any troubles man. This is our girl owrite? Stay out of this!

Adam: I'd love to but that girl is with me, unfortunately..

BIg: What? This girl? Go find yer own gal!

Shorty: What are yer gonna do bout it huh? Walk away like you did with hoops?

Adam: Now, we don't wanna go there,do we? As a matter a fact, even if I did walk away, you still are no better player than me.

Shorty: Yer wanna bet?

Adam: Sure! Let's do this the old way! One hoop, one shot. The winner gets the girl and shut his mouth for the rest of his life!

Shorty: Okay, but I ain't playing. Big here is ma best man! You'll deal with him.

Adam: Not a problem! But first, why don't you let go of the girl?

Shorty: Sure! Big! Go on and sit there beauty. I'll deal with you later.

Adam: Ha'ah! No touching until the game end.

It was unavoidable. He ran into his rival and the girl he didn't like the most at school. The girl's name is Molly. He wanted to walk away but there was no other human beings there. His father always told him, "Help people in need. Someday, they'll help you back." He's wearing his blue hooded jacket and didn't want to get it all dirty so he took it off and also his inner white shirt. What he didn't notice is Molly's eyes pursuing his naked upper body part. She was automatically attracted to him. The bench was a mess and so he asked her to hold on to it until the match is over.

Adam: It'll be in just a minute.

Molly: Okay.

Molly was scared at that time. She tried hard to hide it but Adam saw through it all.

Adam: It's okay. Even if I lose, I promise I'll never let them lay even one finger on yah. Put on my jacket if you're cold.

But she was too afraid to do anything. Plus, the cold mist air is making it worse for her. She seems like she just had a bath in the rain. So Adam unzipped his jacket and put it on her. She blushed. Somehow his smiles made it better for her. Soon, the match started. Time passes as Molly went on deeper into Adam's sweater. For some reason, she liked it in there. It's a warmth she had not felt before. She wondered if it is even warmer in his arms. Shockingly to the thought, she then focused on the match. At first Adam struggles to go beyond Big as he is big and didn't play fairly but that was just an act by Adam. He then went by Big without no problem at all. And in just a minute, he scored.

Adam: One shot done! I'm taking her.

Shorty: You stupid fella! Why did I even took you? Urgh!

Adam went to Molly and asked for his white inner shirt back. He puts it on. Molly was going to take off his jacket off her but he stopped her.

Adam: It's okay. You need it more than I do. Come on, I'll take you home.

Shorty tried to stop them.

Shorty: Hold on! You know the rules. You can't walk away you've claimed her!

Adam: Well, she is now!

He had to say that or they wouldn't let her go. To convince them, he held her cold hands and put his arm on her left shoulder, protecting her. He was too shy but he was in no power to do something else. While Molly suddenly feels like she was safe there,for once in her life time. She liked it. Most guys she went out with just want to make out with her but they have never held her close. It's her first time ever to feel such comfort,such warm and such feelings. Both of them couldn't resist the chemistry between them. Together they walked home. Adam didn't let go of Molly's hand because they were extremely cold. A spark ignited among the two of them but both parties ignored it. In school, Molly would never be found dead from walking besides Adam, who is a geek. Molly is the most popular girl in school. Rumours said that she has been going around sleeping with some hot guys. She never had a stable relationship. She does not know the meaning of bieng with someone you really like until Adam came.
