Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Episode 11: 6 Simple Rules

Adam: You know what to do right?

Molly: You bet!

Adam: Got all you need?

Molly: Pen? Checked! Paper? Checked! How bout you?

Adam: I'm all set! Now, remember..

Molly: No hard feelings,I get it.

Adam: Let's start! Ladies first.

Molly and Adam is making a list of what to and what not to do. This is to set up lines and boundaries between the both of them. But, before the rules are agreed upon, they need to discus about if first.

Molly: First, we should act as a couple as real as possible when in front of people and do whatever it takes to not comprimise this. Agree?

Adam: Yeah.

Molly: Your turn.

Adam: Right! No sex.

Molly: What?

Adam: No hard feelings, remember?

Molly laughed. She knew it was impossible to get him in bed with her. She didn't even think he would want to do it.

Molly: Okay. Next, when going out on dates, we should use both ways; your style and mine.

Adam: Fair enough. Mine, we should get to know each other very well. Discovering favourite foods, allegies and everything that's related. Yours?

Molly: No cheating!

Adam: But, what if one of us happens to like another person?

Molly: Meaning you like me too?

She laughed.

Adam: You know what I mean. Then how?

Molly: Why? You have someone in mind?

Adam: Well, not really. Just thinking of a situation where we might caught in.

Molly: If that's the case, then it's okay for any of us to date another human being at the same time. But, what will happen if we get caught?

Adam: Just say that's just a rumour?

Molly: Missie out of all won't buy it. She'll head out and investigate.

Adam: Ouch, then, maybe we shouldn't?

Adam looked rather dissapointed. Molly thought there might be someone he has in mind. Adam was thinking about the girl he saw at Fast Coffee House.

Molly: Just do what ever we want. And later say we have an open relationship.

Adam: Really? They're really gonna buy it?

Molly: Yeah, but do inform first so that we won't be surprised.

Adam: Deal!

Molly: You're next.

Adam: Mind our own business.

Molly: That's not hard to do.

Adam: But, what if our schoolmates found out about me? About my past,that is.

Molly: Just say all of that isn't true.

Adam: But, I'm not wearing my 'mask' at all now.

Molly: We'll just say I transformed you.

Adam: Good idea. Anyway, that's all I got. You?

Molly: Really? Me too. So, that concludes all.

Adam: Yeah, six simple rules.

They listed all of the rules and keep it safe. No one should ever find out about it. Molly kept it in a box in a secret panel she hid it under her bed. Adam placed it in his pocket.

Molly: Don't forget where you put it.

Adam: Sure won't! I'd better get going. My grandparents in town. They'll arrive sooner or later.

Molly: Okay,take care! I also have an appointment with a guy?

Adam: That soon? You must be selling high!

Molly: What? You don't know? Haha.. Well,actually not yet. But I'm going to text him right now.

Molly was texting someone. Adam smiled.

Adam: Well,whatever you do, don't get caught.

Molly: I have been doing this my entire life. Don't worry.

Adam: Well, okay. See you tomorrow at school! You want me to pick you up?

Molly: Nah,it's okay. Have a good time with your grandparents!

Adam: I'll try.

Molly: Wait just a moment!

Adam: Yeah?

Molly went to Adam and tied his tux. He had to look best for his grandparents really are 'something', from what she heard of. Because Adam sat down and have been writing things, his suit went off. Molly even re-tied his tie.

Molly: You ought to look decent.

Adam: Well,thank. I'll get going.

She leaned over and give him a peck kiss. Adam didn't mind. It has became the habit of hers to do so. Although, she had neve done that before, to anyone,at all.


Adam was on his way home when Jane phoned him.

Jane: Adam,where are you?

Adam: I'm 5 minutes away from home.

Jane: No,it's okay. Granddad and Granny cancelled the dinner tonight.

Adam: What? Why?

Jane: I'm not sure. They said they had some business to take care of.

Adam: Oh,okay.

Jane: Drive safe! And don't be home before 10..! Be normal little brother.

Adam: I'll try. Bye...

Jane: Take care!


Adam sat on his car. Lying down watching the stars in the sky. He is thinking about many things. One of them is Molly. Looking back, Molly really is beautiful to his eyes. Her laughs, her smiles, everything about her is wonderful. He wonders if the feeling he's having is just a crush or perharps it was more than that? Anyway, he tried to sleep under those pretty sky. He's at The Garden, one of his favourites place to dive into the Wonders of The World. But something interrupted his night then. A phone call. He wondered if it's Molly calling, wanting to tell him all about her 'good times'. But it wasn't. He hesistated to answer at first but then he pressed the green button.

Adam: Hello?

Caller: Hey.

It's a girl. Somehow he knew that voice but he couldn't recall who it was.

Adam: Who is this?

Caller: You're lying down on your car gazing the stars again?

He knew the caller was there too. He got up, still trying to figure out who it was.

Caller: Do you mind if I join you?

He looked left and stumbled upon a figure. A figure which he had known for a long time. It was...

Adam: Emma?

Emma: Long time no see. You look dashing tonight.

Adam couldn't believe his eyes. He hung up on her.

Adam: Emma? What are you doing here?

Emma: I believe a gentleman would ask a lady to join him. And I believe you are a gentleman.

He got off his car and went to see her face-to-face. He wanted to make sure it was really Emma, his ex.

Adam: Are you kidding me?

Emma: Wake up Snoozy! I knew you love to sleep a lot but wake up already!

Adam: I am. I just..couldn't believe what I'm seeing. I mean, how did you find me?

Emma: Gotcha! I knew you were hiding form us,especially me. Am I right?

Adam: Urm.. Well,look at the time! Time pass by so fast. I gotta go. My sister is waiting for me.

Adam tried to get out of the situation. It was a surprise. But an unpleasant one.

Adam urged to his car but only being stopped by Emma. She held his hands. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was extremely overjoy to found him,at last.

Emma: Don't you miss me?

Adam: Well...

Emma hugged him so fast that he didn't have the time to finished his sentence.. She cried in his arms. Adam didn't hug her. He promised Molly he wouldn't cheat.

Emma: Do you hate me so much that you won't even hug me anymore?

Adam: What has passed, is past. We can't undo it.

Emma: But you said you love me!

Adam: I loved you.

Emma: You yourself said we can't undo the past so you can't undo that word, that feeling!

Adam: Please,don't do this.

Emma: Why? You think you're better than me now?

Adam: No,I didn't say that. Listen to me! The thing between us is over. Move on!

Emma: But what if I can't move on?

Adam: Then that's your problem,not mine. I'm sorry. I've gotta go.

Adam rushed into his car and drove off. He didn't want to do it but Emma left him with no choice. Of all the time being, why does she has to choose now-he asked. He's in a relationship with Molly. Even if it is a fake one but he honours it. There's nothing more that he hates than cheating itself! He knew if he didn't leave Emma like that, something had happened. Something bad. Something that would jeapordise him and Molly. His heart became something so hateful, so ache that he couldn't breathe for a moment. He didn't want to come home like this so he texted Jane saying he won't be coming home that night. He didn't have anywhere else to go. So he just drove. He wanted to be anywhere but there.

Once he pulled the brakes, he found that he already arrived at Molly's house. He remembered she had 'something' to do that night. But he couldn't drive anymore. He was out of his mind. He then fell asleep in his car.

Molly was walking home when she stumbled upon Adam,in his car, sleeping. Jane phoned her earlier, telling to watch him out. He seems in trouble, she figured. She looked at him. She didn't want to bother him in his beauty sleep. So she asked her security guard to help her pick him up to her room. Luckily his car wasn't locked and he was sleeping so soundly. Molly asked the security guard to help her place Adam in her bed. She knew how uncomfortable it was in her sofa bed. Right after the security guard left, she took off his shoes and his tux. She felt his forehead, it was warm, it wasn't at normal temperature. She grabbed a towel and wet it. And placed it in his forehead. He was mumbling something until a tear came out of his eyes. She wiped it off. She held his hands. She wondered what happened. A few nights ago he looked fine. The position she was in was rather torchering so she climbed the bed carefully and sat next to him. Brushing his hair to the back and holding his warm hands. It was her turn, to look after him. Anyway, she's glad he turned to her for comfort,for protection.



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