Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Episode 9: The Happy Couple

It was 7 in the morning. With the presence of Adam in her room, Molly somehow woke up early and had bath. Once she came out with her pink bath robe. She was going to go to her closet when she looked at Adam. He must be tired, she thought. What all with the uncomfortable sofa bed and all. Adam's face looked calm to her. She had never seen such figure before. He looked cute when he's asleep. She wanted to brush her fingers on his cheek but something stopped her. She couldn't touch him,out of respect,out of tenderness. He looks like he's suffering from the uncomfortable 'bed'. So right after she put her clothes on, she asked Mrs.Spudinski to serve breakfast. Normally she wouldn't have breakfast at her very own house but since she had a guest,she must.

She pitied Adam. So she reached out her hands and slowly took Adam's head and placed it in her laps. Only then he looked comfortable. Now he seems to be smiling by whatever dreams he may encountered. A good guy is hard to come by, especially in Molly's life. Her beauty is a curse. Guys find her attractive and sometimes only treat her nice before they showed their true colours. But Adam wasn't nothing she had seen before. There's an opportunity here. She tried to hold back before but now is her chance to win his heart. So she decided to give her best shot. If he turned her down, she'll back off. Only this makes her brave to touch him.

Her fingers were wandering his eyes, his cute nose and finally his very tempting red lips. She bite her lips from reaching out to his. But she couldn't resist it. She remembered their first kiss before. It was a delight. She had kissed so many guys before but that particular kiss was very different,in a special way. She bent down her head. She licked her lips before doing so. Her hands were playing with his ears. They were one inch away from their second kiss. Her heart was beating so fast that it almost exploded. What is this odd feeling,she asked. However, she stopped. She thought, if she wanted a real kiss from him, she should have asked for it. Beside, she's not the kind of person who snoop around and steal kisses. Instead, she called out his names few times but he didn't wake up. She tickled his ears but to no reply. Then she whispered something...

Molly: Wake up sleepy head or I'll kiss you!

Adam then realised it was no dream of his or neither it was a joke. He opened his eyes and was surprised they were inches away from touching each others' lips. So, he tried to get up but he forgot he was sleeping on a sofa bed and thus he fell from it. Molly laughed hard.

Molly: I tried to wake you up.

Adam: Well, intersting way you've got there.

He touched the back of his head. He could feel his head hurts. Molly gave out a hand to help him. He reached it and finally got up on his feet.

Molly: Yeah,I have my own style.

Adam: I can see that. Molly?

Molly: Yeah?

Adam: Don't ever do that, again. Never!

Molly: (she couldn't stop laughing). Okay.

Adam: Thank you.

Molly: Now come on down, let's have breakfast.

Molly went downstairs while Adam washed his face in the toilet. Somewhere in the chaos, he too laughed at himself. He sighed. How clumsy he could be. Then he went downstairs and found Molly helping Mrs.Spudinski serving the breakfast.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well good morning Adam.

Adam: Good morning.

Mrs.Spudinski: Have a seat. Molly's back there making you a pancake. It's delicious you know.

Adam: It is? Can't wait.

Mrs.Spudinski: Would you like tea or coffee?

Adam: Why don't I help you out? It makes me uncomfortable sitting around while you two serve me breakfast. I insist. Surely there must be something I can do.

Mrs.Spudinski: Well,if you say so. Tea and coffee is at the kitchen. You may help with that.

Adam: Thank you.

Adam went to the kitchen while Mrs.Spudinski prepares the table. He could see Molly was frying pancakes. Molly didn't realise of Adam being there.

Adam: Good morning!

Molly: Oh, I didn't see you there. Good morning. Did you get a good night sleep?

Adam: I was supposed to dream nice things but the sofa-bed comfortness wouldn't let me.

Molly: Sorry for that.

Adam: Nah,it's okay.

Through the kitchen's window, Adam saw a figure behind the bushes. He then made his way next to Molly and pretended to hug her. He only grabbed her in her waist. She was surprised.

Adam: Don't look now but I think someone might be spying on us.

Molly: (whispering) Really?

Molly looked out the window and saw the figure too. But she noticed there was a car back there and she recognised it. It was Cat's. She's one of Missie's slaves. So Molly turned around to face Adam.

Molly: Missie sent Cat to spy on us.

Adam: What should we do?

Molly looked at Adam with a mischievous look. He knew what to do. Molly then took the pancake and put it on plates. After that she returned to Adam's arms. She blinked an eye. Adam was nervous. All that time, they played 'The Happy Couple'. Molly fed the pancakes right down his throat. Adam took his handkerchief and cleaned the apple syrup off Molly's chin.

After breakfast, Molly sent Adam to his car. Cat was still spying on them. Once they've got to his car...

Adam: Do you think she will ever stop spying on us?

Molly: I'll take care of that. Come, lean over.

Adam leaned over and Molly kissed him on the cheek. Molly then wiped off his cheek with her fingers. She didn't want any trace of lipsticks stuck on his cheek. And he drove off. Molly wanted to get back at Missie so she gave her a call.

Molly: Your spy should have brought a video camera.

Missie: I don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile Cat was scared. Molly had known her whereabouts. Molly hung up on Missie and gave Cat a call. Of course Cat was smart enough not to switch off her handphone.

Molly: Hey Cat. I'll have you know, I won't charge you for breaking into my house and disturbing my privacy.

Cat: Well,Missie...

Molly: I know. Just get off my yard after I left.

Right after Molly's shadow went pass her door, Cat hurried to her car. She fell down a few time causing bruises and cuts. She was panicked she'd even hit the garbage can. And off she went. Molly called Adam to give him the good news.

Adam: Hey,so she left?

Molly: Yeah, you should have seen her.

Adam: (he laughs) Did we do good?

Molly: Good enough to cause Missie a misery.

Adam: The things I do for you. Well, gotta go. Bye.

Molly: Bye 'honey'! And don't forget your list!


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