Monday, November 9, 2009

Episode 6: Secret Teller

Adam: And that is how it is for the time being. So,did I bore you enough?

Molly: Maybe. I stopped at 'here it goes...'.

Adam: (smiles) I did warn you.

Molly: Aha! Why I haven't seen that face for all the time you were at school?

Adam: What do you mean? Were you spying on me?

Molly: Spying? No! It was just...

Adam: Just what?

Molly: Come inside and I'll tell you.

Adam: You mean,in your house? Err,I don't think that is such a great idea.

Molly: Come on! It's not like I'm asking you to sleep with me. If I wanted to do that,I would have asked you in the nights. I wouldn't want to get busted. Plus,I wouldn't want to do it here. I'd rather do it the Inner Six Motel.

Adam: Wow. You know a lot of stuff.

Molly: Yeah, I have been sleeping around with some hot guys all these past years. Don't you know it?

Adam: I heard some stories about it but I didn't think it was all true.

Molly: So you don't think I'm a whore?

Adam: Not that I can think of.

Molly: You really are one of a kind! You're not like the others. Is it because of your history?

Adam: No, it's more like a moral of mine.

Molly: Ouh, so you're a goody two-shoes huh?

Adam: Not exactly.

Molly: Then what's keeping you?

Adam: Okay,but just to talk.

Molly: Don't worry, I won't kiss!


Molly went in front of the gate and greeted the security guard. When the gate opens, she pulled Adam inside. She actually dragged him all the way to her room. But Adam stomped the floor to make a stop.

Adam: Whoa! Is this your room?

Molly: Why,yes indeed!

Adam: Then I'm out!

Adam was about to open his steps but Molly pulled his hands so rough that fell down the room with pain in his butt.

Adam: Ow! That was very decent of you.

Molly: Why you have to run? I've already told you it's not my intention to make love with you.

Adam: Well..

Molly: Let me guess, it's another moral of yours?

Adam: Yeah!

She hold out her hand for him to reach. One he got on his foot, he was awed with the scenery.

Adam: Why, you have such...

Molly: I know! This is why I want you to come in. You love sceneries right?

Adam: How do you?

Molly: Remember the rooftop? Normal kids wouldn't just go there and do nothing.

Adam: (sighs) You're right. But,this is really beautiful! Did you make it yourself?

Molly: Well, my father hired the best architect in the city to build this room especially for me. I did all the paintings with my mum.

Adam went around mesmerizing the view he had seen. The wall of Molly's room was covered with paintings of blue skies, green grass, shimmering waters and some animals too. It was amazing. It looked almost real. He touches the walls and started to imagine himself in that exotic place. He had always imagined to escape to a place like Molly's paintings. To her surprise, Adam was acting like what she had been doing all this long. She would too touch the wall and just be absorbed into the paintings. She didn't think anyone in this world might just do the same.

Molly: Do you like it?

Adam: You certainly got good taste! May I ask? How did you come up with this painting?

Molly: It wasn't hard. When I go to sleep, I'd imagine myself go to this world. Yes, to this painting world. It was sooo beautiful that I can't forget it. Even if I close my eyes right now, the image would just reflect in the dark.

Adam: This must be very special to you. So..why are you showing this to me?

Molly: To tell you the truth, I've got no past of secrets and so to be even with your very fascinating story, I am sharing with you my world.

Adam: Whoa! This is just..brilliant! It's nothing like I've seen before.

Molly: Yes, my mum was the one who taught me how to draw things since I was three.

Adam: Hey! Wait a minute! You'd be perfect!

Molly: Perfect? Erm.. People call me hot but I don't think I'm perfect.

Adam: No,no. I mean, there's a runway coming up by the end of this month. The theme for this season is nature. And what better person to inspire all of this other than you to my sister?

Molly: Are you nuts? This is just a regular painting.

Adam: No,it's not! It's amazing and delicate, just like the work of my sister's designs. Please, you've got to help her out. She's at dead end!

Molly: Well, I'm sure your sister can afford someone who is actually talented.

Adam: Yes, she can and yes you are! This is talent. My sister just fired one of her asistants for trying to well.. do something immoral to me. And she's out of hands. Please! I'll do anything for you in return!

Molly: Well..I'm not sure Jane Lechrin wants someone like me.

Adam: Are you kidding me? You happened to be the Headcheer Leader in our school. You have guts,oh I've seen. You've got talent and that's all you need.

Molly: I don't know.

Adam: Well, come on let's go!

Molly: Where to?

Adam: Do you trust me?

Molly: Well, yes.

Adam took out his cell and made a phone call to his driver. 5 minutes later, a Ferrari showed up in front of Molly's house,honking for both of them. He took her hands and guided her all the way to the car.

Driver: Where to Sir?

Adam: To my sister's boutique please. Thank you Uncle Morty.

Driver: Anytime kiddo! And is she a friend of yours?

Adam: She's kinda my girlfriend right now.

Molly: Hi! I'm Molly. Nice to meet you.

Driver: What a nice young lady. Naice to meet you too, I'm the Driver. His driver.

Adam: You can call him Uncle Morty if you like.

Then the Ferrari went off. It took them about 10 minutes more to reach to Jane's boutique.

Driver: We're here!

Adam: Thanks Uncle Morty! Let's go Molly.

Molly: Adam, I'm not so sure about this. What if your sister doesn't like me?

Adam: We talked in the car right? It's going to be okay. I'll tell her the whole story and then we'll see what she has to say.

Moly: But..

Adam: Hey,I'm here right? Lets!

Together they walked into the luxurious boutique of Jane's. Jane was sitting in her elegant white sofa doing her sketching when they both stood in front of her.

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